Chapter 73!

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*Next day*

“Hey I’m here to report one of your doctors” I told the lady behind the desk,

“And who is it?” she asked annoyed,

“Doctor McKenzie” I shortly said,

“And the reason?” she asked,

“She if flirting with every men she sees, she is a doctor, specialist in babies, she knows the men’s are taking!” Elena said sternly,

“I’ll see what I can do” the lady said. Elena and I nodded our heads and then walked over to the guys again.

“Okay we are ready to go” I smiled, Justin nodded his head and took my hand. We walked out of the door and went to the car. Ryan and Elena walked to their car, we waved and then we drove off.

We arrived home and hurried inside. Justin’s parents and my parents were coming over for dinner tonight, of course Jaxon and Jazmyn was coming to, oh and Sophia. Pattie was babysitting Ella and Luke.

“So I thought we could make a good steak with mashed potatoes and salad” I told Justin,

“that sounds so delicious” Justin confessed,

“Good, will you please turn on the grill?” I asked Justin sweetly,

“Everything for my beautiful wife” he said back, I kissed his lips and then walked to the kitchen. I boiled some potatoes and when they were done I mashed them and putted some milk in it.    

Then I let it simmer on the cooking plate. I then started to cut some vegetables and when I was done I walked outside to Justin with the steaks,

“Here baby” I said to him as I gave him the plate and a kiss on the cheek, “Will you please help me set the table out here before you make the steaks?” I pouted, he nodded his head and in a split second I was in his arms,

“OH GARD NO JUSTIN!” I yelled as I saw he was running in the direction of the pool, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.


“Say I love you Justin, you’re the sexiest man on earth” he said,

“But I don’t lie” I teased, Justin pretended to let go off me,

“OKAY, OKAY I LOVE YOU JUSTIN, YOU’RE THE SEXIEST MAN ON EARTH!” I screamed, Justin laughed, but jumped in the pool, with me in his arms,

“JUSTIN!!!” I screamed I dried myself under my eyes; I had makeup everywhere in my face.

“Justin our parents will be here any minutes” I claimed,

“sorry baby” he pouted; I pecked his lips and then got out of the water. I hurried upstairs and changed into some black jeggings, since I can’t wear normal jeans because they don’t stretch. For a shirt I found a simple, but elegant floral long sleeve shirt, where you slightly could see my baby bump. I put on some white ballerina shoes and then went some the bathroom to dry my hair and make my makeup again. When I finished blow-drying my hair, I pulled it into a messy bun and then did my makeup. I had some green eyeliner under and on my eyelid, then a lot of mascara, of course I also used some concealer and some powder. I finished and walked downstairs. Apparently Justin had been upstairs to get dressed without me noticing. I secretly checked him out, he was wearing dark jeans, of course they were hanging a little, and then he had a black hoodie and a denim jacket over it.

“Baby it’s evil to stare” Justin said which caused me to look away, I could feel my cheeks got heated. I walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around,

“Can’t I check my sexy man out?” I asked him in a teasing tone,

“It depends, am I your only man?” Justin asked,

“No” I said,

“What?” Justin said shocked,

“I have a little man named Luke and then a little man in my tummy” I smirked, Justin sighed and kissed my lips,

“You made me nervous”  he said honestly,

“You know you’re my only man” I told him,

“That’s right” he smirked. He got a little down and made a sign for me to jump, so I jumped in his arms and he sat me on the counter, I smiled and kissed his lips,

“I love you” I told him,

“I love you to baby, now get off the counter so you can help me with the steaks” Justin said and helped me down, but just as we were about to walk outside in the backyard, the doorbell rang.   

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