Chapter 116!

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“We could go to Bahamas?” Elena said, I looked at Justin and I could see he smiled.

“Yeah, that would be amazing! We could stay in our wedding house” he said, I smiled and kissed his lips.

“That would be amazing” I told him, Elena and Ryan smiled and nodded their heads.

“Then Bahamas it is” Justin said, “we should get some dessert and then you should go home and pack because we’re leaving tomorrow morning at 4 am” Justin said, Elena opened her eyes wide and looked at Justin.

“Are you kidding me?” she asked, Justin shook his head and smiled,

“You’re on maternity leave, so it shouldn’t be a problem for you” Justin said, I smiled and looked at the kids.

“Ella can you go find the ice?” I asked Ella, she nodded her head and laid her phone in her pocket. Then she walked into the kitchen and found the ice.

“She got an IPhone?” Elena asked,

“Yeah, Justin couldn’t stand for her puppy dog eyes, so he gave up and gave her one” I told her,

“Hey, you got one to” Justin said,

“Oh yeah that’s right” I said, I smiled and kissed his cheek.

“Okay, back on the track, we’re leaving tomorrow at 4 am from our house, and then Hugo will drive us to the airport, we will be traveling in my private jet, so no need to bring unnecessary things” Justin explained,

“You totally sounds like Scooter” I laughed, he looked at me with wide eyes and made a pouty face.

“I do not” he said, I laughed and nodded my head. He started pouting even more, so I quickly kissed his cheek.

“Do you think it’s a bad thing?” I asked him, she lightly smiled and nodded his head a little.

“It means that I’ve been in his company to much” he said, I started laughing and side-hugged him.

“Well you have an album to finish for your Beliebers” I told him,

“You know all the songs are for you” he smiled; I smiled to and kissed his nose.

After dessert Ryan, Elena and the kids went home to pack their luggage. I had already packed the kids clothes, so now I only needed to pack for myself and then help Justin.

We had already tugged the kids in so they could get some sleep before the long ride on the plane. Justin and I were in the bedroom packing our clothes when I remembered that I bought him a gift.

“I actually meant to give you this on the plane, but I can’t wait!” I told him as I stopped him from packing. I gave him a packet there was wrapped in Disney gift wrapping paper. He gave me a funny expression,

“It was the only gift wrapping paper we had” I told him, he smiled and chuckled a little, so did I. He unwrapped it and smiled when he saw to IPhone 5 cases, one with ‘He’s mine’ and one with ‘She’s mine’.

“Thank you baby” he said and then kissed my lips. I smiled in the kiss which caused Justin to smile to. We pulled away and Justin put the cover on his IPhone, so did I.

“Can I take a picture of them?” I asked him, he smiled and nodded his head. I found my Canon EOS 1100 D reflex camera. I turned it on and snapped a few pictures of them. I could see Justin had found his other phone and snapped a picture of me while I was taking photos. He smiled at the picture and then locked his phone. I made my way over to him and took a picture of him. He looked at me shocked by my behaviour.

“Why did you do that?” he asked me, I smiled and took a picture more.

“Because you took a picture of me” I explained, he smiled a little and I could see he blushed a little. Come here let’s take a picture together” I told him, he smiled and I turned the camera towards us. Justin kissed me cheek and I bite down in my lip. We looked at the picture and smiled,

“That’s a really good picture” Justin said, I nodded my head and agreed.

“Okay, no more photos, we have to finish packing so we can get some sleep before we need to leave” I told him, he smiled and nodded his head; I smiled and kissed his lips.

I started packing again and I made sure to pack all my summer clothes and all my makeup and that kind of stuff. I finished packing before Justin, so I went to help him.

I could see he packed a lot of condoms, so I couldn’t help but laugh,

“Someone thinks he’s getting laid” I chuckled; I took one of the condoms in my hand to make my point clear. Justin looked at me and blushed,

“You’ll never know, and if I get I better be prepared so I won’t get anyone pregnant” he teased, I make a shocked expression and hit his chest.

“Are you planning on seeing other women’s?” I asked him as I pouted, of course I was acting, I made a fake tear and made it run down my cheek.

“I’m so baby, I was just making fun” Justin quickly said, he walked over to me and hugged me tight,

“I’m so, so, so, so sorry” he said, I could feel how guilty he felt. I couldn’t hold my laughter in anymore, so I started laughing really hard. Justin pulled away from the hug and pouted.

“I thought you were sad for real” he told me, I smiled and kissed his lips.

“Do you think you’ll need 20 condoms? Or can you make it without one?” I smirked; I winked and found one of them. I opened and laid it on the night stand.  

Justin smirked to and walked over to me, he started kissing my neck and then he pulled my shirt over my head.

How about never! - a Justin Bieber fanfiction (completed)Where stories live. Discover now