Chapter 1

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*Kuroko's POV*

I decided to take a look around the kingdom of my parents and mine. I saw half dragons and dragons and some regular humans (who didn't try to kill dragons), they all looked so happy. It made my heart go warm. I suddenly saw some gods roaming around taking some of the girls and female dragons. I quickly transformed and flew as quickly as I could to the females.


The gods looked at me with fear. I felt kind of sad that I had to shut angrily.

"W-we were just taking them to Olympus for Akashi-sama to choose as his suitor.." Said a god.

I was furious, how dare they try to take these females from their families? The females were clearly trembling, and begging for the gods to let go but they didn't let go. Making me even more angrier.

"You better let them go now! Or I will declare war on you gods! I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU PESTS TO TAKE AWAY ANY FEMALES AROUND HERE WHO DON'T WANT TO GO!" I growled.

Every dragons turned to look this way, most of them were making their way towards the gods and growling to let the females go. I was quite protective of my kingdom as you can tell.

"F-fine! Akashi-sama will be hearing this!" Shouted a god as they retreated kidnapping a baby dragon named Sumike.

"MY CHILD! IT'S MISSING! OH SUMIKE!! WHERE ARE YOU?!? MY BABY?!?!" shouted a stressed dragon.

I flew up to them and snatched the baby dragon that was wailing quite loud. All the dragons saw a baby dragon. I gently gave the baby dragon back to her mother who was aimlessly angry and crying at the same time. Their reunion was so heart-filling I say!

"Kuroko-sama, the other God is carrying a dragon egg" said a shadow.

I nodded and flew back up to the gods. "The egg?.." I asked.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? WE HAVE NO EGGS!" shouted the god who had the egg.


I transformed back to my human form and left the wings to keep me flying. "So, if I were to check your whole body... I wouldn't find an egg?" I asked while smirking.

The god trembled and threw the egg far away, but I quickly caught up with the egg and held it tightly and gently in my arms. I returned back and asked who was missing an egg.

"I..I-I'M MISSING AN EGG!" Shouted a female with pink scales and red eyes. she was a half-breed. Half-breeds would still lay eggs and some don't.

Don't ask me how a dragon does 'it' with a human. I do not know. Dragons can transform into humans too. That was a thing all dragons even half-breeds could do. I returned the egg and wandered out of the kingdom.

I was walking when I saw a man with red hair and mismatched eyes, they looked gorgeous.

*Akashi's POV*

I was tired of being cooped up on Olympus so I decided step down onto earth. I loved being by myself. I don't need anyone else, having people around will only bring you down. I suddenly saw a glimpse of a person with light blue hair and eyes. The person's hair looked almost white, I saw wings.... Dragon... Wings.. And horns... That was when I realized it was the prince of shadows and dragons.

I couldn't stop staring, he was so beautiful. I wanted him to be my suitor. And whatever I say, my orders are absolute. I will make him mine and i won't let anything get in my way. No way, I finally found someone with my time. I smirked.

And that was chapter 2 guys!

Akashi: Tetsuya, I finally meet you!

Kuroko:.... I barely know you, please just call me Kuroko

Akashi: Nope

Angel: settle down kids


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