Chapter 18

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*Akashi's POV*

Its so hard not seeing Tetsuya... I must be strong and keep fighting for Tetsuya! Slap! I slapped myself across the face, what was I doing? What happened to cold-hearted Akashi Seijioru? I simply cannot live this happy life that Tetsuya does! Its time for my other half to come out, being around Tetsuya has changed me too much. I will not stop at anything.

I saw a note stuck to a tree, was that there before I looked up? No. It wasn't, someone had just placed it there quickly. I walked up to it and began to read what it said.

Dear Akasi Seijioru,

I have your beloved Tetsuya! Well... He's gonna be mine soon, I mean. He'll have to be with me if he wants yours and his children to live! Seeing him in pain makes me fall for him even more and more!!!!!! His grunts, his groans, and his shouting. Begging me not to hurt his children, oh my gosh~ I love it! Yes, indeed. I am a sadist. But anyways, if you want to see Tetsuya again... You have to go to the place you first met Tetsuya. (Yes I know where you guys met! ITS NOT CREEPY!!!!) You will have to take me too the tree of life and crystals. You should be grateful that I haven't laid my fingers on Tetsuya, I was going to but you know.... He pushed me away.

P.S. hurry up or I'll kill your beloved.

Sincerely not, Nash Gold

This Nash person pisses me off, and he is creepy. I can't take Nash to the tree of life and crystals, he'll surely kill every dragon if he does find it... Hold up. Doesn't Tetsuya know where the tree of life and crystals is? He does... I must go to my first encountering of Tetsuya.

I headed towards the border where I first met Tetsuya, I was running barefoot because to me its faster not wearing sandals, flip-flops, or shoes. I felt thorns cutting through my skin, it didn't matter as long as I get to see Tetsuya. The way the grass felt beneath my foot was amazing, I didn't want to stop feeling it at all. But I must get to Tetsuya first before I can keep feeling The grass beneath my feet.

I ran and ran and ran, getting close to my first encounter. I was feeling anxious to see my beloved, but I'll have to take Nash or Lord Nash to the tree of life and crystals..... I don't want to, the whole dragon race would die. But if its for Tetsuya...... I'm willing to do anything, even if its sacrificing others to help a single person in the world. I need Tetsuya and want only Tetsuya.

I saw a glimpse of blue hair flowing, it was longer than usual.... Its only been 3 days and his hair is already that long.. I wanted to shout out to him, but I want to make sure that it was Tetsuya. I crept closer to the figure and saw a blonde standing next to the figure that looked like Tetsuya. Ryouta? No. It was Nash Gold, I'm sure of it. He doesn't have Ryouta's dumb and cheerful aura around him.

"I'm here like you said."

"Well well well, monkey... You should up, better keep that deal or one of you might die!" Said Nash with a nasty grin.

"S-sei-kun... No don't do it! My people are more important!!! They need to live!"

I looked over to the begging Tetsuya, it hurt me to see him begging me not to sacrifice the whole dragon race. I said deal anyways, Nash Gold pushed Tetsuya towards me and told me to leas him there. I felt Tetsuya trembling in my arms saying no no no no no no no... Fine then, I'll take this chance to attack him as well Tetsuya attack Nash too.

I quickly whispered a spell and the wind grasped Nash Gold while Tetsuya made Shadows pull Nash Gold down and hold him.  But Nash easily got out of them. It shocked me the most, Tetsuya well... He looked like 'I've already seen this once before'.


I grabbed Tetsuya's hand and ran as fast as I could binding the wind to make me to faster and Tetsuya. I felt Nash gaining ground, getting closer to us step by step. It was horrifying but right now, I must be stronger. Time to up my game! I made us go even quicker king towards the Kuroko Kingdom.

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