Chapter 25

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I am insanely sorry for not updating for like how many days? Idk. But i will try to update more often now.

*Kuroko's POV*

My instincts told me Sei-kun was returning to where he left me, he shouldn't have come back for me. I wish I could say he was so sweet.. but he is quite ridicious. I can handle myself, now I must go back to save my beloved future husband. ..... did I just say that?..

Nope, moving on.. I flew as fast as I could towards the hospital. Dodging whatever came in my way, I picked up my speed. All I could think about was my beloved future husband.

I saw a glimpse of red hair shiny in the worn down hospital. I transfirked back into a human leaving my wings so it could take me down gently. As i got closer to Sei-kun, my hand stretched out to him slowly. "Sei...?" My hands tremble before my eyes and my vision blurs, Sei-kun slowly turns around and see's me..

His eyes are different. They lost their light... What happened? I reach for his cheek, caressing it slowly and gently. Tears flow from my eyes, his hands come to my shoulder and pushes me away. I was in shock, my beloved just pushed me away.

"Sei-kun???... Sei, c'mon answer me! W-what's wrong?"

He uses Silence on me, one of the 7 deadly spells. It can have a chance of poisoning the enemy, which is 78%. I try speaking, using all my might to break the spell, no use. I call in my Cleansing spell, refreshing myself, while undoing Sei-kun's spell.

He engages towards me, why?

*Akashi's POV* (Before the scene above)

I saw the hospital coming into view, it was a newly built hospital and now it was worn down by a battle. I hurry on in, looking for Tetsuya.. but he was nowhere to be found. I began to become frantic, wondering where he went. What had happened to him?


"Glad you could make it...

Akashi Seijiuro"

The voice rumbled throughout the entire room. "WHO ARE YOU?" The voice chuckled leaving me confused and on guard. The floor beneath me began to darken. It was like a black hole. Sucking me in... into the darkness. I tried to pull away but it wouldn't let me get away.

My soul was being drained...

●(Back to the present time)●

I watched the despaired Tetsuya cry while trying to protect himself from the attacks of mine. Truth be told, I was just watching, I wasn't attacking my beloved wife, Nash was controlling my body like a puppet. Just how could I get Tetsuya to see that what he is seeing isn't me? I wandered aimlessly in the black hole, pondering what to do with my thoughts and how to get this information to Tetsuya.


Who am I kidding?

I'll never get anything across to him, after all. You can't escape a black hole once you get sucked in. Nash has to be defeated in order for me to get out, but Tetsuya can't defeat him! Nash is too strong. But I can't just sit still and look pretty! I mean handsome!

To be continued...

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