Chapter 27

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Do you remember when? I said i'd always be there. Ever since we were ten.

-Jason Chen

*Kuroko's POV*

What was Ryu doing with Nash? I was frozen, I didn't know where to go. Why was ....Nii-san with him? Wait... Nii-san?.... Backing up to reality, I couldn't run away anymore. I have to end this with Nash, the second most powerful spell in the world was the Heavenths Prayers. All evil perishes from the spell. Only the one with most potential would be able to conduct the spell.

The spell went underway, as I began chanting Latin words, words of ancient times. Beneath Nash and Ryu was a huge magic circle. Truth be told, this was my first time using the spell. I'm not even sure if it'll work on them, or if I'll even be able to complete the spell.

"Oh? A spell I've never seen before? Ryu. Attack him with full force."

Ryu charged at me in his dragon form, using a strength boost spell. I quickly performed a shield with my magic spell. But when I saw his eyes... memories came flushing in, the moment i kissed.. 😖 omg... I slept on his chest... when i woke up, he was gone.. But turns out he was just training for becoming a guard. How could I forget such a thing? A tear drop fell down my cheek, making Ryu stop right in front of me. "K-Kuroko?..."

*Ryu's POV*

You probably wanna know why i joined Nash. You see. There's only one reason, and that reason is

To get Kuroko back. Akashi took him away from me, now I'll get Kuroko back and make him mine. And mine a lone. From the moment he kissed me when he was 5 was the moment I fell in love with him, my feelings gradually grew.. But I was always hidden in the shadow as he got older. He barely talks to me, plays with me, be like we use to.... I miss the old you.. I hate seeing him so happy with Akashi, and him having his children with AKASHI.


I saw a tear drop go down Kuroko's face, making me stop dead in my tracks. "K-Kuroko?" I croaked out. It's hard seeing the one you love in pain.. My hand gradually move towards his cheek caressing it gently. I would die for Kuroko.. Anything for him.

*Akashi's POV*

I hate how im just sitting here watching Tetsuya do all these moves. And oh my GOD.. Did he just caress Tetsuya's cheek? What is the relationship between these two. I grow angrier by a second I see Ryu caressing Tetsuya's cheek. What on banana is going on!?

I won't let him take Tetsuya away from me.... it's just.. How can I escape? Tetsuya please hurry up and come save me...

Even though it should be me saving you and not you saving me. And what about our children? Oh my god. I forgot about them! How are they doing? Are they okay? Who are they With? Where are they? I do not know the answer.....

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