Tetsuya's Childhood W/ Ryu

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I will be doing 'Nii-san' referring to Ryu


*Tetsuya at age 5*


I began to poke at Nii-san, I love Nii-san, he picks me up and spins me a round. He also carries me, whenever I'm lonely, Nii-San comes and plays with me. 'Nii-sannnnn...' I whispered into his ear. He was fast asleep, but part of me didn't believe so.

"Kuroko-sama... Go back to sleep... fuu.."

"YOUR AWAKE! C'MON C'MON!! WE GOTTA GO PLAYYYYY!!!" I shouted while pouncing on him.

The 10 year old Ryu sat up and fell back down to sleep. I wondered... did Nii-san not want to play anymore? I began to get teary, why didn't Nii-san want to play anymore? Does he not like me no more?


Ryu sat up and looked at me, "TETSUYA WHAT'S WRONG?"

I rubbed my teary eyes and tried explaining but I was still crying so it was probably hard for Nii-San to understand. "N-Nii-san.. *sniffles* d-d-*sniffles* oesnt.. l-l-l- wahhh!!"

Nii-San pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead, "shhh... calm down Kuroko-sama..... Now explain it slowly..

"N-Nii-san.. doesnt... like me no more.." I said slowly calming myself down.

"Kuroko. Tetsuya. How could I ever come to not like you no more?"

I became flustered when he called my name, wowww... I must admire Nii-san so much! I thought. Nii-san ruffled my blue hair and kissed my check. I gave a little giggle and hugged Nii-san. I laid by Nii-San and rested my head on his chest, when I grow up i wanna be kind just like Nii-san is.

I got up and kissed Nii-san's lips. "Hey, Nii-San! Mommy and daddy kiss each other all the time. I asked mommy why and she said, 'You kiss someone you treasure very dearly and love..' I treasure you A LOT!!" I said giggling.

I sas Nii-san's face turn as red as a tomato. I laid back down and fell gently asleep on Nii-san's chest.

When i woke up I saw that Nii-San was gone. "WAHHH!!!.. N-NII-SAN IS GONNEEEEEEE!!!" I shouted through my cries. I thought Nii-san was gonna stay with me...

I pulled the covers over me and sat there. I cried till it was the afternoon. Where did Nii-san go?


Sorry for the short chapter! Okay, so Tetsuya does forget about this memory of him and Ryu.

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