Chapter 22

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*Akashi's POV*

That voice?... i-it c-can't be... nononononono nononononononono!!!! Not now... Tetsuya is still weak from giving birth to Hayate and Seiji... He doesn't stand a chance against Lord Nash..... holy Grail! holy grail!


Tetsuya looked frightened, then rolled his eyes.. "Yup.. I realllllllllllllllllyy 'miss' you.. (to be the honest, I didn't quite want to see you again..)"

I got closer to Tetsuya and Lord Nash took steps closer to the both of us. The Victims 😎.. okay.. That isn't a good thing.. i began summoning a spell right away, "No no no.. I'm afraid that won't work hun. Nothing can defeat me.. I think... no no, actually your dad and yours both defeated me.. (I'll get them back at my own time)." Said Lord Nash stopping me from finishing my summoning. Why on earth would Lord Nash bring up my father and Tetsuya's father? I began to move even closer to Tetsuya which looked like we were on top of each other.

Lord Nash.. I should stop calling him Lord huh?... L- Nash suddenly lugged at Tetsuya and me. Punching my face and blowing me back through some walls while Tetsuya was up against the wall trembling.. I felt helpless, useless, was i.. the great emperor... this weak? I looked down on people.. when I too was weak..... Tetsuya looked like he was screaming, begging Nash to not hurt our babies and me. I tried getting up, but with every move... I fall right back down, was it always this hard to get back up? Then again I have never felt this..


I felt someone hit me on the head making me black out, this wasn't fair... I have to get up.. come on.. But the hard I try, the more I sink into the darkness, swallowing me whole.

《In Akashi's Conscious》

"Hello Seijiuro."

"Who said that? Who are You? How do you know my name?"

"I am your other half.. remember me?"

My other half? What other half? I stared at the floor... but there was no floor just black emptiness with me and "my other half". I felt my other half smiling at me, whispering something I can't make out. But my other half starts to speak louder than before.

"Seijiuro, I'm running out of time... Find who you are, Don't forget what makes YOU, YOU. I am saying goodbye Seijiuro, it is time for us to become one again."

I stared wide shot eyes at my other half who had yellow eyes... He looked just like me, but with a different eye color. The thought of losing my other half pained me for some reason, I fell to my knees.

"D-don't go... please.."

My other half kneeled down to me and smiled, "I am always with you... Seijiuro, after all.. WE are one in a millon."

I felt safe... My other half helped me stood up and he began to become sucked into me, like I was absorbing light. And then, I was left alone in darkness.

"Let's do this Seijiuro."

My heart thumped, who just said that now. It was so loud and clear... But I'm all alone right now...



Then I realized it was my other half that I absorbed..

《Back to Reality》

I began to flutter my eyes, my body felt sore and I saw Tetsuya being pushed up against the wall. It was like I never even left.... I slowly got up, with every move my body kept aching, screaming out 'let me rest' and 'THE PAINNNN' I walked towards Nash Gold and my beloved Tetsuya. Stumbling, but making my way towards them without falling.

I don't think Nash saw me, so I put my hand on his shoulder and used all the power I had left to land a blow through his heart.


To be continued.....

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