Chapter 12

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Well, I'll just keep doing stories I guess.

And, thank you for 1k views! 😭😊


Kagami's POV*

Ahomine and I saw Akashi-sama humping Kuroko-sama! It was weirddddddddd. "Ahomine, I suggest we leave. If they find us here.... *Shivers* they might kill us!" I whispered to Ahomine. He nodded, but was glued to the scene happening before us.

"AHOMINE!" I whisper shouted.

"Let me watch this gay scene."

I grabbed his hair and dragged him away. "They need alone time, ya know."

"No. I don't know."

"Stupid Ahomine."

"SHUT IT BAKAGAMI!" Yelled Ahomine.

I froze, he yelled so loud...... I only dragged him a few feeds away 9 in fact. A few moments came by and no sign of them so I sighed. That was a close call.

"What are you guys doing?" Asked a voice.

I froze and Saw Ahomine's freaked out face. I slowly turned my head towards the voice, boy I'm for reals scared. I saw a embarrassed+mad Kuroko and- I'm sorry Kuroko-sama and Akashi-sama. He looked so scary, I think Ahomine might've peed his pants a little.

"I asked you what are you guys doing?" Asked Akashi-sama.

I was covered with sweat head to toe, "N-nothing! I was just y-yelling at this idiot..."

"D-d-damn... Right you are." Ahomine croaked out.

"I know you guys saw us." Said the angry looking Akashi-sama.

"Oh my HOLY DRAGON!! You guys did? I'm so embarrassed..." Said Kuroko-sama while covering his face.

*Kuroko's POV*

Ah! Oh my holy dragon.... They saw me in such a state....... I shook my head, thinking it'll be okay. I felt a hand on waist, "Don't mention this to anyone, or you know what'll happen okay?" Said Sei-kun. The two guards nodded and left without thinking, leaving me alone with Sei-kun.

He dragged me back into the bedroom and closed the door. After doing so, he came over to me and started to kiss my neck. "Ahh... S-Sei-kun..." He smirked st my moan and stopped, leaving me wanting more.

"Sei-kun... You know what's gonna happen right?..."

"What're you talking about?"

"You released your seeds into me..."

"Ohh, that? What about it?"

I nodded, "I'm gonna bare your child now... Don't hate me..?" I said slowly.

"That's great! I want a child with you...."

"Thank you Sei-kun."

I hugged him, tight but not to tightly. I was... Let me correct that, I am happy. My world could melt, that's how happy I am right now.

"Sei-kun... You might want to return home now, am I right?"

"I want to stay with you..."

I want to stay with you, he says, Tetsuya, repeated Shadow.

Be quiet Shadow.

"Sei-kun, you can stay for as long as you want but I want your father to know where you are staying."

"Oh alright."

Sei-kun left out of the window and came back late t at night.

I was sleeping in my bed when I felt someone get under the covers. I turned around and saw Sei-kun. I grasped for a moment but he put his hand on my mouth before I could've grasp. "Sei-kun?"

"Hello my beauty."

"D-don't call me that Sei-kun."

He chuckled for a moment and then told me to sleep. I fell asleep in Sei-kun's arm for the whole night.


Sorry this chapter was short, I've kinda... Upset and ya know the usual reading manga.

In case you wanna read manga's go to the website MangaKakalot!

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