Chapter 7

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*Akashi's POV*

He knows

He loves it


Everyone hates my golden eye

Why does he love it?

'Why does he love it?' ran through my head like a hurricane, on a rampage. Kuroko Tetsuya is one of a kind, a unique, tender-loving, warm, kind boy... I love him.

I am so furious that I was interrupted by Artemis my aunt. It's all because of Father, 'he wanted to meet this Kuroko Tetsuya, who was slightly and slowly changing his cold-hearted Seijioru'. Father pisses me off so much sometimes. But, he was one of the reasons why I am even here, so I guess I'll be kind to him. Or try to be at least. Mother died, so I was left with an asshole Father so was strict ass heck, and bossy.

I guess I take after him. In personality wise, other than that we both are quite different. I treaded on to the kitchen to see Atsushi the god of feast, (and cooking). I yelled out his name.

"Yes Aka-chin?" Asked Atsushi.

"What's on the menu for today?"

"Spaghetti and meatballs as well as turkey. There's more but you shall have to wait Aka-chin."


I headed outside, since I didn't want to be cooped up in the mansion. I went to my mother's favorite spot, in the middle of the flower garden. I pulled out my book and started to read as I got there. "AKASHICCHI!!!"

Oh lord, I wanted peace and quiet and all I got was Ryouta. I don't want him, I wasn't peace and quiet also Tetsuya. I looked up from my book and my eyes landed on the blonde boy.

"Yes? What business do you have with me?"

"Well, Akashicchi, its your Father's birthday today!"

"I can care less, I don't don't about today being his birthday at all. Okay?"

"But! Akashicchi, he wants to meet Kuroko Tetsuya! The one who is slowly changing you!"

I rolled my eyes and started to walk off, "fine, tell my Father that Tetsuya might be there."

Ryouta nodded and turned around, leaving a trail of ripped pieces of a magazine. It was horrible, Ryouta was littering on my mother's favorite spot. "RYOUTA! COME BACK RIGHT NOW!" Ryouta turned around quickly and ran to me.


"Pick up those pieces of the magazine you tore apart."

Ryouta nodded and picked up the pieces and ran to the trash bin, throwing them all away. He then left me to my thoughts.

*Kuroko's POV*


h.. I'm still kidnapped, I haven't been saved yet... I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen.

I just shock Mother and Father haven't declared war on these people. I won't curse them, even if I should.

Here I am, sitting in a cell. Waiting for you. u-u They chained me up against the wall, threatening to 'kill' me. How silly they are, the only way they could kill me is by killing the tree of crystals and life. I looked up at the man who kidnapped me.

'Haizaki.... Something...' I can't remember the rest of his name.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here? A dragon? A prince or a peasant of the prince? Hmph! I'm going to have so much fun, in torturing you."

What a sadist.

"You can try, but you won't get what you want."

Haizaki glared at me and stabbed my tail.

I grunt in pain, it hurts, but it won't damage me horribly. I really want Sei-kun to help me.

*Kuroko's Father's POV*

Where have my son gone?

I remember him saying that he was gonna hangout with Akashi Seijioru.

Why hasn't he come back?

Celestia is gonna be haunted by many thoughts and it'll be quite annoying. She has the creative mind.

"Kuroko-san, Kuroko-sama has been captured by a human named Haizaki."

"More information please?"

"Yessir, Haizaki live in the village of Kings, he has a 'secret' base underground. Which is right below Kings."

I nodded at the information I just received and I called all dragons that were warriors. I made my way to the tower where I could speak to the people.

"People of Kuroko nation and dragons, your prince has been kidnapped by a human named Haizaki... (A/N: I forgot) I want to declare war on that village, but I will only do so if you guys agree with me!"

"OF COURSE KUROKO-SAMA!!!" yelled most of the people.

"Thank you, I won't kill anyone in that village. But simply threaten them to give us back our prince."

The crowd cheered, I remember when I first spoke up here.

*Akashi's POV*

I saw Tetsuya's Father on TV. He said something about declaring war on a village for kidnapping their prince.... Wait...


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