Chapter 16

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*Nash's POV*

It's getting closer to the time where I will finally devour you.... Kuroko Tetsuya......... I won't let that child be born, nothing will stop me for killing Tetsuya and the stupid lowlife child...

You better pray to the keeper of the world stupid Prince.

*Akashi's POV*

I can't wait to meet Hayate and Seiya... I'll be waiting, for now...... I must deal with this Lord Nash person. I walked down the streets of Olympus, looking forward, I get closer to Shintaro's villa. I knocked on the door twice, before Shintaro answered the door. I looked at him, requesting information that I was promised to from Shintaro. "Akashi, are you here for the information?" "Yes. Shintaro." Shintaro guided me to the living room, and took out an old ancient-like book, that was in Latin.

"It's in Latin... I mean, I understand Latin but it hasn't been spoken in so long... Shintaro, are you sure this is the right book on Lord Nash?"

"Akashi. I'm not calling Akashi-sama in my own home, I hope you know that. Anyways, this is the right book on Lord Nash. Lord Nash is as LD as ancient times, a HELL BRINGER is what most people call him."

"I see..." I slowly opened the book and saw a note in it.

Dear whoever is reading this,

My brother Lord Nash, is a hell bringer. He will devour you, he will break you, he will make you see only darkness. There won't be a light in the world anymore, if he succeeds... Even you and the strongest will forever live in darkness. Don't let him bring hell into this world again. I shall make a prophecy to can stop my dear brother, it goes like this.

The cold hearted and the kind hearted princes
Shall they unite
Together, they will fight off hell
Fore one shall perish from the hands of evil

That is all I wish to say, also. If you ARE the descripted princes, I suggest you two protect each other the your life. If one IS the prince of 2 types of races, the one who is not should be protecting the prince of 2 races. Beware of those who surround you, for you maybe betrayed by the one you call friend....

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