Chapter 2

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*Kuroko's POV*

I saw the red head staring back at me, I was quite curious who it was. Why were they so close to the border line? "Hello?" I shout out to the red head. The red head walked towards me, his face slowly began to form. He had red and gold eyes, it was beautiful. I felt my heart beat faster as he got closer.

"Hello.. You must be a Prince?" Asked the red head.

I nodded, "My name is Kuroko Tetsuya, and yours?"

"Mine is Akashi Seijoru, please by all means treat me like a friend and not some cold-hearted person."

He was the prince of gods, gosh why was he here? I thought he was cold hearted.

"Alright, Akashi-kun."

"Please call me Seijoru."

"B-b-but! We've only just met so!" I blushed and stuttered.

I saw that Akashi-kun was smirking.

"My, my, look at the sight. How adorable! I'm even more tempted to make you mine, now!" Said Akashi-kun. While muttering the last part.

I shivered for a moment, "would you like to hang out?"

"Of course, Tetsuya."

I said my name.... 😲 Oh my gosh! I began to blush slightly. "A-Alright let's go to the waterfall," I said.

Akashi nodded and headed off with me to the direction where the waterfall was. Or.. Is at. I suddenly see dragons flying in the sky frantically shouting, "WHERE'S THE PRINCE?/HE'S GONE!" I sighed to myself. This was not what I planned... Did I even plan anything? No, I guess not. "I'm very sorry Ak- Sei-kun... I will be right back." As I changed into my dragon form, I saw Akashi-kun blushing.

*Akashi's POV*

I blushed at what Tetsuya called me, I shouldn't even be blushing! I AM THE ONE AND ONLY ABSOLUTE AND COLD HEARTED GOD! (Author-chan: Your crazy, being cold a hearted isn't something to be proud of.. Ya know?" Shut up! Don't interrupt. I saw Tetsuya transform into a dragon, my fucking hell, he is a beauty his lovely scales that are light blue and some light blue fading into the color white...

Snap outta it! I shook my head slowly and looked up at my soon to be suitor... Do you think he can produced an heir? I hope so, it would be amazing.. I smirk to myself. My soon to be suitor came back down and transformed back.

"I'm very sorry, I left you alone... Please, why don't you have dinner at the palace?" Asked Tetsuya.

He looked so innocent, how could I say no?

"Sure, that would be delightful."

"Okay! Then you will be coming with me."

We continued to the waterfall. We slipped off our clothes, luckily there were towels to wrap around us in the waterfall. I saw a slim, beautifully curved body, it looked like a females but it was actually Tetsuya's body.


*Kuroko's POV*

After we got out of the waterfall that was more like a hot spring, I transformed and offered to carry Aka- Sei-kun on me. It was a long way back on foot.

"Oh! Thank you, should I start calling you Kuroko-kun? In front of your parents?" Asked Sei-kun.

"Oh, you don't have to Sei-kun."

Sei-kun nodded. I felt my heart beat faster just by looking at him. He quickly and gently climbed onto my scalely (new word guys!) back. I took off quickly, I loved flying. To me it was like I was in heaven.

"Like the view?" I ask.

"Yes, I do. Its the first time since I've seen the world from up here. I mean like Olympus is in the sky... But we must take stairs or an elevator to get to earth..."

"Elevators? What's that?" I ask, my palace didn't have this elevator.

"It brings you up and down," replied Sei-kun.


We quickly reaches the palace, after putting Sei-kun down I transformed back into a human. We went inside and into the dining room.

"Tetsuya! I thought you would never come back!" Shouted Celestia (aka my mother).

"Your exaggerating, mother we have a guest with us. Please treat him kindly."

Sei-kun walked in and introduced himself.

"Welcome! The more the merrier!" Shouted Fuijoka (aka my father).

Sei-kun nodded.

That evening we ate and Sei-kun returned home. "Tetsuya, is he not actually cold-hearted?" Asked my Mother.

"Well of course he isn't! You shouldn't believe rumors that just fly around. You must try to get to know them. Know them for who they are inside! Not for the outside!"

"Hmm?.. Okay then Tetsuya." Said Father.

I shook my head, why would they believe such rumor? I like Sei-kun... What. Did. I. Just. Say?

To be continued

I'm so thanking for the views guys!

Akashi: Like hell you are! It's because of me and Tetsuya!


Kuroko: please calm down Angel-san..

Angel: please don't add San to my nickname, it makes me seem old.


Angel: I really am grateful, now excuse me while I try to kill Akashi!


Fated Love (AkaKuro)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now