Chapter 13

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[2 months passed]

*Kuroko's POV*

My stomach's growing bigger by month, and I'm still puking in the mornings 😥.  I... I still haven't told Mother or Father yet. I probably should go do that right now. I walked out of the bathroom and went into the dining room where my Mother and Father was.

"Hello Mother and Father." I greeted them.

"Hello son/Hi Tetsuya." Answered the both of them.

I sat down at my seat and began to dig in, so did my parents. "I have something important to discuss with you guys.." I said to them after swallowing my food down. My parents looked startled for a moment.

"Tetsuya what is it dear?"

"I'm pregnant."

My parents almost choked on their food that they were chewing. Their looks were so..... I don't know the word.

"TETSUYA! This is no time for jokes!" Exclaimed my Father.

"Mhm mhm, what your Father said."

"I'm not joking, I'm pregnant with Seijioru's kids."

"THE PRINCE OF THE GODS?!?!" Shouted my parents while accidentally spitting out all of their food.

I nodded, they were obviously shocked. I can't blame them for being shocked if I'm honest. "How far are you into this pregnancy?" Asked my Mother. "2 months." She looked....... Happy.


"Shimy down Celestia."

I sat in quiet while my parent's were talking to each other.

"Well, congrats son. That Akashi better take responsibility."

"Thank you Father, and he won't let us down."

"Us?" Asked my Mother.

"I'm talking about my baby and me 😊 Mother."

After dinner.....

"Sei-kun, I brought you some food." I said handing the food to Sei-kun. He's been hanging out in my room for a couple of days now.

"Thank you Tetsuya."

"Sei-kun, I have to go check up at the doctors, okay?"

"Tetsuya, let me come with you!"

I smiled, "alright then. I don't think Riko-san will have a problem."

I led Sei-kun through the castle and out into the forest to Riko-san's village that was in the far east. As we were walking a sword flew right in front of me. "Damn, why does everyone want to stop us?" Asked Sei-kun. "I don't know Sei-kun..."

Shadows hear my prayers, find who threw that sword at us and bring them out, keep them to the ground.

~Shadows speaking~ Yes sire, we shall do as you say.

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