Chapter 35

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*Kuroko's POV*

I nodded, I'll give Ryuu a chance.. Yes.. Maybe he'll make me forget about Sei.. I feel so broken without Sei. What a twist, my boys devoted themselves to each other too.. I let out a sigh, they are available to do whatever but they must know what their doing. Yet... I'm just not sure they know. Ryuu lift me up to my feet, I was struggling to stay up so hold put me on his back. "R-Ryuu..! Put me down.." He shook his head and smiled at me when he turned his head slight towards me.

"Sorry Kuroko, but I want to make the most of it before..." Trailed off Ryuu. Before what? I feel like Ryuu knows something I don't know. "Before what Ryuu?" He shook his head again and took me to my room. "Kuroko, please get some sleep, you have bags under your eyes." I nodded at Ryuu and he put me down on the bed. Tucking me in, I felt like a child all over again. I sure missed mother and father. But they left to go travel the world once I toke over the kingdom. Oh.. How I want to see them again.

I slowly drifted off to sleep, forgetting that Ryuu was there. It hurts. Sei leaving..

*Ryuu's POV*

That bastard Hades.. He let me have a chance to make Tetsuya happy.. But Tetsuya was already happy, I should've never trusted Hades and his son Mayuzumi. Now... Tetsuya is gonna die by the hands of Seijiuro Akashi. But I wanted to see Tetsuya so much.. I wanted to feel his touch.. Now he was going to die because of me. And this means, Hades will take over this kingdom unless Kurok- Tetsuya's children take over and are strong enough to defeat Hades and Mayuzmi as well as Akashi Seijioru. The children should have Queen Celestia's shadow powers running through them as well as King Fuijoka's dragon powers and Akashi's god powers... If its anyone who is gonna destroy the world it is the Twins.

I looked at the asleep Kuro- Tetsuya, his face had tears streaming down. I caressed his face, wiping his tears away, yes.. This is all my fault for agreeing without hearing the rest.. Please just don't let Kuroko die tomorrow... Please...

*Ryuu's memory from the agreement*

I was summoned by Hades, I hated him.. He was nothing like King Fuijoka. A nice calm man when needed and unnecessary times. Always kept a calm composure. I headed towards the Hall of Hades, also known as the Judgment Hall. I walked in, "Ryuu Yamaguchi.. I propose an agreement. Only if you say yes you will get to see and touch Kuroko Tetsuya..-"

"yes I'll do it."

I put my fingerprint on the piece of paper of the agreement. "Now, my son Mayuzumi will control Seijiuro, you get to have Kuroko all to yourself."

I was so happy I didn't even hear much of what he said after that except for killing Tetsuya. With a flick of his finger, I was back on the living world, and made out of flesh.

*Ryuu's memory ended*

Why was I so stupid? Was this really worth just seeing Tetsuya and touching his skin? Of course it was... But Tetsuya losing his life? No.. This is happening all because of my selfish mistake. I'm sorry Tetsuya.....


-1 day later-

*Akashi's POV*

"Today.. Is the day.." I muttered. I got up and prepared my things. I'm going to the Tree of Crystal and Life. I kissed Mayuzumi goodbye and went down the stairs of heaven. Lately I've been taking it whenever I felt alone.. And filled with regret but why regret? I headed down the stairs, with every step, the guilt is heavier. I stop to take a breath then continue down. This is it. The end for Kuroko Tetsuya, the demon.

I felt something wet go down from my eyes to my cheek. I walked down faster, finally reaching the end of the stairs. I headed into the woods, running like something unknown was chasing me. Reaching the cave, I go in taking in my breath. The view was beautiful. I remember the day when Tetsuya the monster took me here. Showed me this beautiful view. I shook the thought and headed towards the Tree.

There stood the Crystal Dragon.. Nurasaki. "Akashi Seijiuro.. You are gonna make the biggest mistake of your life.. Remember this well... Karma... Is a bitch.."

I was shock, dragons don't.. Use.. That kind of words do they? Of course not right?? And what did he mean Karma was a bitch? I headed towards the tree. But Nurasaki got in my way, with a flick of my finger he was slammed into the wall. Kepted in place by my powers. I won't unlease it yet. I mist hold him in place until I kill Tetsuya's core.

"Stop!!! Sei.. Don't touch the tree.. If you touch the tree, it'll wipe out the whole dragon race! Don't touch it. Take me. Kill me. Torture me. Just don't touch the tree..." Shouted a beautiful sounding voice.

Turning around I saw Tetsuya, with tears on his face. Was a demon suppose to care for others? Of course not! What a cover up. "Okay. I'll take you deal." I headed towards Tetsuya. My hand caressed his cheek then slapped it. He releases a moan while releasing a pain of hurt sounds. I blushed at his moan, not sure why.. I did my most powerful spell and struck at Tetsuya, Nurasaki was shouting to stop. Ryuu was running towards me to stop me. But no one could stop me. No one.

I struck Tetsuya's heart, he coughed up the blood. He wasn't dead yet, but almost. I charged up to him and stabbed him with my 7 deadly sins dagger. I look at his face to see the pain he was feeling but it was a smile. "W-why are you smiling??!?!?" I shouted.

"Cause.. I love you.. I'm sorry I couldn't save you from mind control Mayuzumi put on you.. Ryuu told me everything.." Croaked out Tetsuya. I wasn't sure why but I was cryig now.

Memories flooded back to me when Tetsuya's eyes faded. The light went out. It no longer shined. My right eye turned back to red. I thought i united with my other half.. I did. But the eye colir just came back... Now I'm realizing killed my beloved husband.. Why?... Why did I kill Tetsuya?!?! I love him, yet he died to me... I never got to spend all my life with him.. And this was all because of Ryuu not listening to the consequences. "I'm sorry Tetsuya.." I croak out.

"I'm sorry.... Forgive me dear..."


Done. This story is officially over unless I do the next book which would be book 3. Revenge of the Twins, I won't make it unless you guys ask for it. It'll be about the twins getting revenge for Tetsuya. Of course you will see akakuro moments. Cause Tetsuya. Can't. Die. That. Easily. He is the King of Dragons and Shadows. So comment if you want book 3 Revenge of the Twins.

If so, the book will be continued in this book.

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