Chapter 3

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*Kuroko's POV*

Sei-kun started to come visit more often, I wonder why. "Kuroko-sama, why are you so quiet today?" Asked Momoi. I looked at her then away. "No reason.." Momoi looked concerned for a second. By the way, Momoi is a purebred dragon, she has pink scales and red eyes. Momoi quickly served tea then headed off towards the kitchen.

I sighed to myself. I couldn't help but wonder what Sei-kun was doing right now. I walked out of the room and went down the long flight of stairs. Why can't I stop thinking about Sei-kun?

"Tetsuya/Tetsu!!!!!!!!!" Shouted the two bakas.

I whipped my head around and saw Kagami and Aomine. Part of me wanted to walk off, but that would just be cruel.

"Hello..." I replied.

"Gosh your so dull sometimes Tetsu."

"Afraid to say this... But Ahomine is right."

I looked at them (not offended).... I shook my head at their comments, and walked into town.. Well, a section of the kingdom I mean. I'm glad this kingdom was at or is at peace with other races. Wyverns are quite similar to us dragons, so they also living this kingdom.

*Akashi's POV*

"Father, I have a suitor in mind."

"And who is this suitor?" Asked my father.

"Kuroko Tetsuya."

My father was shocked for a moment, most likely thinking 'Why would Seijoru choose a guy?' I can care less though. I was determined to make this boy mine. After all, everyone MUST obey me.

"Oh alright, but can he produced an heir?"

"I am not sure father, I shall ask him later today."

"Your meeting Kuroko!?"

"Yes." I looked at my father then walked out of his office.

I didn't want to give him a chance to say much abut Tetsuya and me. Maybe I'll go visit him today, I don't wanna stay cooped up in Olympus with guards everywhere. As I walked away from my father's office, Atsushi showed up asking me to try this new desert he made. I can't say no to Atsushi, so I follow him to the kitchen.

"Aka-chin, I made this new desert called 'Heaven's Kiss', I sure hope you like it."

I slowly started to eat 'Heaven's kiss' it was a tiny cupcake that tasted like none other. I could feel my face light up with happiness.

"Aka-chin, do you like it? You don't smile much these days."

"Yes indeed I love it, could I get two more of these? And I am quite sorry for not smiling much 'these' days."

Atsushi nodded at 'could I get two more these?' He quickly brought out two of 'Heaven's Kiss', I was gonna share it with Tetsuya.

After I got to the elevator, I went down to Earth. I headed straight for Tetsuya's kingdom. But I guess I didn't have to since he was standing at the border line. He was probably waiting for someone to meet. I walked up to him asking who he was gonna meet.

Tetsuya stared at the ground slightly blushing, "Y-you.."

I felt delighted that Tetsuya was waiting for me. Suddenly, I wonder….. Why do I keep smiling so much today?

"Thank you, so what are we doing today," I ask him while taking his hand.

"The cave of crystals! I want you to see it..."

As we got inside the crystal cave I saw a crystal dragon guarding a crystal tree.

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I haven't seen anything so beautiful in my life. I hugged Tetsuya so suddenly he let out of a yelp. "Thank you Tetsuya.. Um.. What is that crystal dragon guarding?" I ask him.

"Nurasaki is guarding the crystal tree of life, if it starts to die... Purebred dragons will start to die.. That why we have Nuraski protecting it....... No one knows about this tree, other than purebreds. Coming here will also heal you completely."

I didn't want my Tetsuya to die on me. "Why show me?" I ask.

"Because... I feel like I can trust you Sei-kun. Can I trust you?"

"Of course Tetsuya."

I decided to give him 'Heaven's Kiss' since it was as beautiful as this crystal cave.

"Ah.. Thank you, is that vanilla?" Asked Tetsuya.

I nodded at him.

"Kuroko-sama, time is running out for you.." Said Nuraski.

"Tetsuya.. What is Nuraski talking about?"

"Nothing! Nuraski, it'll be alright. Don't worry about me, i will find who ever is my (mate) is."

I felt kinda left out, not sure why.. As Tetsuya ate down his 'Heaven's Kiss' his face lighted up. It must've been the vanilla.


Yes, I have re-updated this chapter since it was so short.

As soon as I woke up I got on Watt pad to update it

Its all for you people, who are reading this story!

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