Chapter 30

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[WARNING: THE STUFF YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ IS +10.. Since we boh know.. We all love reading anime smut 😍]


*Kuroko's POV*

We all sat at the long curved table with Sei-kun's father, my father, my mother, Sei-kun, Midorima, Aomine, Kagami, Kise, Murasakibara, Himuro, Momoi, Riko, the twin's, and others... But there was one empty seat left. I looked at the chair.. Tears began filling my eyes, if I was stronger and quicker Ryu would be sitting here with us and laughing. I closed my eyes then opened them, looking at my surroundings. Everyone was here, The WHOLE family.

After dinner ended everyone went to their rooms, as for the guest, they went into the guest rooms. Did I mention my home was big? Well it is. I gently grabbed the arms of the staircase, my head felt dizzy from the drinking. I felt Sei-kun's hot breath on my neck making me gasp. "S-Sei-kun..." I said while looking at him. I wanted him, but I was too embarrassed to say it out loud. Sei-kun helped me up the stairs and walked me to my room or should I say our room? Sei-kun sat me down on the bed, it felt so hot for me, I was gonna burn, I gave Sei-kun a pleading look. "S-Sei, i-its hot! Take my clothes off for me... Please.." I managed out.

"Oh Tetsuya... I'll go get a towel, please wait here.."

I shook my head furiously, I wanted these concealing clothes off of me. I wanted to feel the cold air against my bare skin. I grabbed Sei-kun's hands furiously and gave gave him pleading eyes. "Well... I don't wanna take advantage of you.. And you kinda just gave birth a few hours ago..." Truth be told, I was already healed, thanks to dragon healing. I smacked my lips into Sei-kun's lips hungrily. My arms begin to wrap around his muscular shoulders. His tongue licked my lips asking for entrance. I opened my mouth for him and we both fought for dominance. We pulled apart but our tongues were still wrapped around each other, sucking on each other, while drool dropped. Sei-kun's hand began undoing my buttons and pulled my pants down leaving me in my underwear. He then threw me back onto the bed and jumped on me. Sharing a passionate kiss. His lips went down south. He began sucking on my neck, leaving a bite mark.

"Ah.. S-Sei..."

"Scream my name Tetsuya... Scream it.."

I blushed, he began massaging my nipple with his hands while his other hand was rubbing my length. His lips sucking on one of my nipples I moaned out loud. "AHH!! S-SEIJIURO!"  I felt something pike me from down there. "Say hi to little Seijiuro, Tetsuya.. Only you make him like this.." I keeping moaning, while trying to say hi. Everywhere Sei-kun's touches burns like hell. But I love the burning sensation. I want more. I felt Sei-kun grind against me. I realized he was still in his clothes, "take it off.. Take it all off Sei..." Sei-kun chuckled while taking everything off. He sure putted on a show. He took off my underwear too, making me feel embarrassed. "Pick 1-3" I didn't understand what Sei-kun meant, I thought he meant my most favorite nber between those 3 numbers, so I said 3 itself. Sei-kun put lube on his fingers and slowly began shoving in 3 fingers. "O-oww... Sei-kun.. W-wait.. It hurts!" I said wincing at the pain.

"Its like you haven't even just given birth and like your still a virgin.." Said Sei-kun licking his lips. He let me adjust to his fingers then began pushing hem in and out. I was losing pretty loudly. He suddenly took his fingers out and positioned his length at my entrance. Was it gonna even fit? It did once.

Sei-kun was going quiet slow, so I began moving my hips along with him. He suddenly flipped us over and I was on top. "S-Sei!" I said while blushing. "Ride on me Tetsuya."

I did as I was told and began moving my hips up and down. Earning a moan from Sei-kun every single time. His hands suddenly on my hips, he smacks my hips down on him hard. Making me yelp in pain and bless. We did it all night long.





The end of book 1. Don't worry, I'll be making book 2 in this book.

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