Chapter 9

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I overreacted.... I found it there after I clicked wattpad out and got back on....

Let's say the baby in the picture is Akashi Seijuro! Isn't he cute?

Anyways let's get this show on the road!


*Akashi's POV*

I'm a bit nervous with having Tetsuya meeting my father. After all, my father is kinda strict with who I hang around. I walk down the stairs of heaven which had grown lushes green grass and beautiful flowers. I can't keep Tetsuya waiting at the fountain of youth, it would be horrible of me to do so.

I had Shintaro to follow me, in case anything I need to know some information on things. Shintaro is the god of knowledge. We were getting closer to the spot where I would pick up Tetsuya literally, I'm gonna pick him up and carry him bridal style. I walk faster, eager to get to Tetsuya. I hope Father will approve of Tetsuya, even if he is a boy.

"SEI-KUN!" Shouted a happy blunette waving.

"Missed me?" I said walking over to him and picked him up in a bridal style.

Shintaro and and person who was next to Tetsuya started to blush at what I was doing to Tetsuya.

"S-sei-kun... W-what are you doing?!?" Asked my Tetsuya.

I started to carry him off back towards the stairs of heaven, but unfortunately.... Someone shot an arrow at us, I barely dodged the attack. I looked towards the direction the arrow came from and saw a person with sliver eyes and white hair that glowed. I don't think they know the concept of camouflage... I manipulated the wind and blew where he was hiding and making my wind grasp him.

"Who are you?" I ask with my eye turning golden.

"Your worst nightmare." The whited hair teen snarled.

Yes he snarled, Like werewolf.

"Stop fucking around, who are you. Don't make me ask again pest."

He disappeared right in my winds grasp, I was shocked. No one has ever managed to escape the grasp of the wind. Tetsuya muttered something inaudible.

"What do you know Tetsuya?"

"He's an enemy of the shadow race... He's a powerful shadow that can kill in 3 hits. He must be with Nash..." I felt Tetsuya shiver that the name called Nash. (A/N: is it Nash? I don't remember, its been kinda long since I've watched Kuroko no Basuke).

I gave a signal to Shintaro, telling him to tell me who Nash was later. We continued along the Staircase up to heaven. Tetsuya was gasping, at this view. He has probably never seen the Staircase of Heaven, I don't know why.. But my father wanted to meet him on heaven. I mean like, we could've just stayed at Olympus.

As we reach the gates of heaven the gatekeeper, let us through. I gently set Tetsuya down.

"Seijioru. I see you brought your...? What is he?" My father asked.

I looked at Tetsuya, "My lover, of course."

I saw Tetsuya blush furiously at my gaze. And words. My father gave a disapproving look but it soon disappeared.

"Can you reproduce?"

"... OH! Yes, sir... All dragons can produce heirs even males."

Tetsuya was probably trembling under all that cloth, I mean I USED to be scarred of my father. Now, Father should be scarred of me.

"Do you approve of him father?" I ask.

"We'll see... I want to see everything he can do, that'll determined if he is good enough for you."

•Time Skip•

*Kuroko's POV*

I finished all that he wanted me to show him. I think I did pretty good, but I don't think he likes me. Sei-kun's father keeps giving me the cold stare. I'm actually quite scarred, I don't want to be separated from Sei-kun. I... I... I think I love him, please have mercy on me Akashi-san...

I still haven't answered Sei-kun back... But the thought of me not being able to see him hurts me a lot. Yesterday, I went to Riko-san and told her about how I've been feeling, she told me it was called love and not Heart Disease. It seemed like a heart disease but Riko-san said no.

"Kuroko Tetsuya, Prince of Dragons and Shadows. I do....

Not approve of you at all."

My heart broke into pieces... I'm sure I heard it wrong......... I look at Sei-kun's eyes with tears in my eyes. Sei-kun looked back at me in pain.... Slowly, tears made their way down my face. I didn't understand... I did everything Akashi-san wanted me to do. I could fix myself! What does he want me to do?!?!

"W-hy?" I croaked out, trying not to let myself start sobbing.

"I admit you were good, but you are just someone I just don't want to approve of."

Sei-kun tried reaching out towards me but I pulled back. "B-but! I love him! Please... P-please don't do this!! *sob* t-this is just a joke right?! Tell me it is!"

"IT ISN'T A JOKE, SO GET IT THROUGH YOUR DAMN HEAD!!" Shouted Sei-kun's father.

Sei-kun slaps his Father and tried reaching for me again, I let him embrace me. For a moment. I pulled away wiping my eyes and tried putting on a fake smile for Sei-kun.

"It's alright Sei-kun... It'll be alright..... Right?" I said, with tears threatening to fall.

Sei-kun had tears in his eyes too, "no no no no no no! IT WON'T BE OKAY TETSUYA! I NEED YOU!!!"

The guard of heaven pulled me and Takao it it and threw us off the top of the staircase. I reacted in time to transform into a dragon and carry Takao off back to the place. All I could hear was my dragon cries, "kuroko-sama... Are you alright?" I nodded my head slightly. Takao was a full human.

I want to see Sei-kun.... I don't this to be the last time...

I need him... He changed me, I changed him....



Ya, I'm sorry I had to. Good bye.

Love ya

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