Chapter 14

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Sorry for not posting on Tuesday! AND WEDNESDAY.

I am incredibly sorry for not updating..

Here's a random picture I found, and most likely gonna use her an ooc! Well, I don't know yet. I might not and I might do...


*Akashi's POV*

Tetsuya's asking for food he never eats now that he's pregnant. ........ I should probably go back home.. I have to tell father the news anyways. I jumped down from Tetsuya's balcony and landed on my two feet. Using wind magic, I made the wind left me up.

At last, I arrived on Olympus. I walked down the streets towards the giant castle. I heard whispering all around me as I walked past the people of the towns. What have I done wrong? Nothing. They are just plain old stupid. Shintaro met with me at the gates, welcoming me back and leading me to my father's office. I opened the door without knocking.

"Hello... Father."

"And what brings you here, you insolent child?"

"I bring good news... Well to me it's good news."

"What is it Seijioru? Don't keep me waiting I have things to do."

"Tetsuya is pregnant. And they are my kids."

My father stared at me, looking shocked and confused. "Did I not say I did not approve of him? Yet you go and make him bare your child?"

"Please father."

"'Please'? I've never heard you say please before. My, my.. Fine, I shall let you stay with him. It is only because of the children."

"Thank you."

I walked out of the office, grinning. I don't know why, but I felt so happy that my father is willing to let me stay with Tetsuya and the children... I'm happy.


Gosh gosh gosh! I eat food that I don't want to! I throw up a lot, I get tired so easily now. I need Mother's help... I walked to the garden where mother is always at. Maybe she could help me go through this pregnancy thing. Of course I am happy baring Sei-kun's child.. But its so hard! The baby kicks and kicks and kicks! Well... I shouldn't be complaining, it'll be all worth it when the baby comes out into the world.

I really need to we what the baby's gender is so I can name it. I can't keep calling the baby 'it', it seems kinda... Weird referring it to an 'it'.

'Oh my holy dragon Tetsuya. Quit your whining and deal with it like how mom did with me and you!' Spout Shadow.

Alright, alright. Just go back to being quiet and observing.


I rolled my eyes, while quickening my pace to the garden. I saw my mother's blondish white hair flowing. "MOTHER!" I shouted while running towards her. "TETSUYA! STOP RUNNING THIS INSTANCE! THE BABY!!! THINK OF THE BABY!!!!!" shouted my mother back. I spotted running and walked quickly towards her.

"Hey mother.. So, how do I deal  with this pregnancy thing?"

My mother burst out laughing and started to ask me are you joking? I silently shook my head no.

"Ahahahhahahahahahahaha!!!!! Tetsuya, darling! Oh my holy dragon! Ahahahhaaha! Well, you follow these steps. 1: read What to do when you are pregnant 2: Follow the instructions."

"That doesn't help me.... Oh well."

My mother came closer to me and started to rub my stomach. "Hi there! I'm your grandma, I can't wait til your able to see the world!" Said my mother in a squeaky girly voice. Do I have to do that when I give birth to them? That would be... Moving on. "Mother, are you excited?"

"Yes I am Tetsuya. I get to see my beautiful son Have... No... You still haven't given birth to it or them yet.... I don't know what to say."

I chuckled at my mother, I said to her I was gonna go get Sei-kun and go to Riko-san's. She nodded and left. While I went to get a grinning Sei-kun waving at me from afar. I walked to to him and dragged his hand to Riko-san's. "What's the hurry Tetsuya?" Asked Sei-kun. "We should see what the baby's gender is. And also see what it looks like!"

A after minutes later, we arrived at Riko-san's house. She quickly examined me and told me that I was actually having 2 kids. As in twins, I asked Riko-san what the gender was and she said they were both boys. Sei-kun squeezed my hand tightly and pulled me into a gentle embrace because of the children in my stomach.

I'm the happiest person alive.... 😊

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