Chapter 34

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*Akashi's POV*

A ping of hurt in my heart.. Why? What was happening to Tetsuya right now to make me feel a ping of hurt? I shall find out by going to the palace. I got up from my desk and began walking down the stairs of heaven, I would take the elevator but.. I like taking the stairs of heaven. Tetsuya's presence still lingers here. The day he walked up the stairs to heaven for my father's approval. I smiled at the memory, its such a shame that he has to die. Am I scared of killing Tetsuya? No, of course not. He is gonna destroy the world, a demon, that should be eliminated before he eliminates the world itself.

Mayuzumi, himself, said so, after all he has the words of a orcale. The new chosen orcale, is Mayuzumi, it is his words after all. He is quite charming, a beautiful body to be exact. His soft skin... Blue hair.. I slapped myself in the face, why did my thoughts of Mayuzumi trail to Tetsuya?!? I shook my head and headed towards the kingdom of shadows and dragons. Tetsuya... My thoughts were filled with him and only him, I keep trying to force myself to think about Mayuzumi but I couldn't. Why was I thinking about the demon? Reaching the gates of the palace itself. I knocked, the servants let me in and pointed to the office where Tetsuya was at. I opened the door, there was no point in knocking on a demon's door.

There I saw Ryuu hugging Tetsuya. I couldn't see Tetsuya's face. I'm not sure why but I got angry. "I LEFT AND YOU HOOK UP WITH ANOTHER MAN?!?! WHAT A SLUT." I shouted out, so angry, I didn't even think clearly.

Why was I so mad that, that demon was hugging another man? I ran to Ryuu and pulled him off. Then punched Tetsuya's face. "Please... No more.. L-leave..." Said Tetsuya while crying. When I saw his crying face I backed away. Unaware of what to do, I run. Running through the halls I bump into my boys, "H-Hayate?! S-Seiya?!?" They were both holding hands, closer to each other than before. They glared at me.. GLARED. AT. ME. What did I do to them???

"Hello Traitor." Said my boys. What? Traitor? Tetsuya must've told them, what a bitch. I push past the twins and ran for the exit. I will head to the tree of crystals tomorrow. I will kill Tetsuya by then. I hope you have fun in hell when you dead. Its what a slut/bitch should go to.

Why did I ever fall in love with Tetsuya? I'm glad Mayuzumi opened my eyes while I was in heaven doing paperwork....

*Kuroko's POV*

Sei.. Called... Me... A... A.. A.. S-s-slut... I dropped to the floor crying.. Is this what he really thought of me, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Forgive me.. Please.. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of him being like that, where did the one I love go. Come back please.. "Please... No more.. l-leave.." I said instead of please stay.. The one I lovd the most killed my heart.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll do anything.. Please don't leave me! Don't leave me here all alone..

"Kuroko.." Said a gentle voice.

I barely could hear Ryuu. "Kuroko.. Calm down.. Nii-san is here. Cry into my chest. Nii-san will always be here for you.." Ryuu pulled my head into his beating chest. Oh how I miss this warmth from when I was a child..

Was it a mistake to find Sei?... Was our love a mistake..? Were we not fated lovers?....


i updated 2 times todayyyy and for kuroko's POV, I put myself in his shoes. So, he was feeling really upset to the point where it was so bad. Funny thing is.. I got so into it I started crying 😂 not laughing tears but you know

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