chapter 33

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You guys want an explanation? This is the chapter, that will explain it allllllll.


*Akashi's POV*

Was this really the right choice? Leave behind my children and kill Tetsuya? Of course... If I don't kill Tetsuya then the world will be in destruction again. I must kill him before he gets too powerful, since we still are quite young. I am currently mapping out ways to kill Tetsuya and where he'll be at a certain time. That is what I'm doing in heaven. Mapping out a plan to kill Tetsuya. Of course I still love him but. I need to do this, the world is at stake and to kill him was the core.

The tree of Crystals and Life... Beware crystal dragon... I am coming for the tree.

I've learned to open my eyes, Tetsuya was a demon.. A monster machine. Before he goes on a rampage I must stop him. After all... Mayuzumi opened my eyes. He is the most beautifulliest man out there. I began daydreaming about Mayuzumi. He is my shadow....

*Mayuzumi's POV*

It was so easy manipulating him. Does he really think I love him and that Kuroko is evil? What a laugh. if anyone was a monster machine it was Akashi.

"Its going well... Father.. Hades.."

*Kuroko's POV*

Okay.. Check and check.. "What is the problem in your village?" Asked the mayor.

"Not enough water sire.."

"Okay, the naiads should be able to help! And I'll try to help as well."

The mayor left and there came a knock from the door.

"Come in"

"I'm home Kuroko.." Said ??? With a smile.

I dropped to the floor, no way.. He came back.. I ran to hug him, "I missed you so much RYUU-KUN!" I shouted while crying. My nii-san.. Came back... He was alive.. How..?

"R-Ryuu, your alive?!?!"

"Yes Kuroko.. I am, where is Akashi?"

My heart dropped, he mentioned HIS name.. "He.. Left... Me.." I muttered.

"I'm sorry.. What did you just say?" Asked Ryuu.

"He left me." I said louder still looking down.

I suddenly feel a pair of arms around me, the warmth is quite comforting. "Sei.." I said forgetting that Sei left.

"Kuroko.. Let me make you forget about him! Please..."



Short chapter

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