Chapter 15

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*Kuroko's POV*

Naming the twins.... I really need to decide with Sei-kun, but he's always so busyyyyyyy. I suddenly see and shadowy-like figure pass me by. Whoever this was, they are not that smart because I can see through invisibility. I charged after it not thinking about the 2 children I was carrying. I finally catches up to this anonymous person and pinned them against the castle wall.

"Who are you?" I asked using a shadow hook to keep this person from escaping, this person has the form of a shadow....

"Heheh... How could you forget me? I'm your best friend Ogiwara! Kuroko, I can't believe you forgot me!"

"Ogiwara? OH MY HOLY DRAGON! I cannot believe that I have forgotten you... Anyways how'd you get in here?"

"Your parents invited me! Soooooooo 😏😏😏😏😏 heard you got pregnant Kuroko."

I blushed, "W-who told you?!?!!?"

"It says it on the invitation, duh! My gorsh. Haven't you parents told you anything?"

"Invitation? Wat? Never mind."

"What is the name for the child?"

"Ogiwara, I'm having twins. So, me and Sei-kun haven't decided yet..."

Ogiwara looked at me in shock and busted out laughing and crying! That's how funny he thought it was! (A\N: I do that in real life too, if I laugh toooo hard I start crying). I removed the shadow hook and told him to follow me into the palace. I saw Sei-kun with his father, looks like Akashi-san was invited too.. Oh gosh... How will he react?

*Akashi's POV*

"Father you came."

"Yes, why would I miss it? Even though, I don't really like Kuroko Tetsuya.. He still is baring your children. So, I will approve of him (even if you guys did it, without my approval)."

I chuckled and led him inside to meet Tetsuya's parents. It was a shocking reunion.

*Fuijoka's POV* (Tetsuya's father BTW)

I saw Masomi. Sure I mean, we use to be buddies. But now, hell na. I never understood why he started to dislike me.

But anyways, I welcomed him with warms hands and loving arms?

*Kuroko's POV*

"So what are you guys gonna name your twins?" Asked Akashi-san.

"I think I'll name one Hayate. What about you Sei-kun?"

"I'll name the other one... Seiya!"

Everyone cheered at the names that were chosen. Akashi-san had a satisfied look and his face. I'm glad he is at least satisfied.

I cuddled with Sei-kun afterwards the baby shower is what humans call it. "Hey...?"

"What is it Tetsuya?"

"What if one of them dies? Or me?" I asked Sei-kun.

"Tetsuya. I won't let that happen, the goddess of fertility is on our side. I made sure of it." Sei-kun said with a dark scary smirk, almost like a murderous smirk.

"Sei-kun, your gonna scare people off with that murderous smirk. But I don't care, I like you for you!" I said while snuggling up against Sei-kun. He began to chuckle while petting my head, geez. What am I? A dog? Dogs are absolutely adorable, no offense Nigou.


"Nigou appears, as soon as I thought of him... 😌"

"Ahahahahha.... Tetsuya you have a husky?"

"Yes, I do."

We both played with Nigou for the whole entire time. While 2 stalkers kept staring at us. I know who they are. So does Sei-kun, we just choose not to say anything and embarrass them. Its the 2 bakas.


Hey best friend!

I know this chapter was like super duper short!

Which is why i'll make the next chapter 1200 or above.

Which means a lot of squeezing things into chapter 16

And it will seem like it was rushed!

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