Chapter 1: V I C T O R I A

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"Marty for the last time, I'm not joining the channel." I lacked sleep and was catching as much sleep as I usually do, but having friends like Marty Scurll was always a problem, especially at times like this. He constantly gets into my room, my parents continuously allowing him the privilege of entering without a hitch.

Throwing my pillow at him, he evaded it and straddled me. Sometimes I wonder why I continue my friendship with people like Marty. I wonder why I'd chose to stay in Japan while I wait for my release from WWE. I wonder about many things in life, but for now, all I want to do was sleep. But this man just refuses to let me do such a thing.

"Come on, Muffin. It's a one-time thing. You're friends with Cody and the rest of the bunch. Nothing wrong with a cameo." He points out, his usual devilish grin in place. It was six in the morning and yet this man was wearing all black that it contrasted my whole room.

"The McMahon's will sue me if I breech my contract." I pointed out smacking him at the back of the head for good measures. As he fell besides me on the bed, I sat up. My eyes still squinted as I tried adjusting the bright light the morning had provided. "It's hard for me to just spring in like nothing is wrong with me and the company."

A knock took my attention. I walk towards the door and come face to face with my house mother. In a pristine dress and apron, Kristina Spencer showcased the epitome look of the Ambassador's wife. Her eyes nothing like my own, and our hair color wasn't even the same, but everyone keeps telling us we look alike...if only they knew.

"Breakfast is ready, Love. Is that Marty boy joining?"

I narrowed my eyes at her. I didn't need to guess to know she didn't like Marty here. This was the only displeasure I had for being in this household. They didn't think so highly about my choice of friends or my choice in career. And the only reason they are biting their tongue when it comes to me or Marty is the fact that I was who I was. No one wanted to get on my real family's bad side anymore.

"I don't think so."

I tried to hide the spite I knew was present in my tone. I didn't want to show Marty just how much of a cruel group of people I was forced to interact with on a daily basis in my stay here in Japan.

We followed her towards the dinner table to where I saw David reading a newspaper and Daniel busy with his coffee and phone to give anyone any attention.

"Is Marty joining us for breakfast?" David asked looking behind me. The distaste completely evident to Marty now.

I turned to Marty giving him a pointed look. The last time I've allowed Marty to seat with us for dinner, he had practically told the family his entire wrestling background which no one was too fond of listening. Wanting nothing but to steer away from the conversation; from Marty if I was being specific.

"He's actually recording a video right now. So he best be on his way." I smiled pinching Marty on his side when he attempts to correct me.

I practically dragged him out of the house with some of the security personnel smiling in amusement at the whole exchange. In my week in Japan, everyone had assumed I was in a relationship with the man, which was untrue on every sense of the word. I sometimes wonder what would happen if I stay on a permanent basis from now on here. God knows what everyone would think of us.

"That's not a proper way to treat a guest, Muffin." Marty points out the moment we both head out of the house.

"In my week here in Tokyo you've been in my house for the 5th time." I pointed out hugging him on the side. "Now once I get everything settled with WWE, I promise you I'll go and do whatever you want. We can both be in that channel and we'll reform The Sinister Tales when everything is said and done."

At the mention of our former tag team, his eyes brighten and he perked up. The devilish smile was replaced with a much kinder one. It was the smile so genuine that it became a rarity on Marty's dastardly face.


"Promise." I pulled back and pushing him on his way. "Now go, I'm going to get breakfast then I'm heading to the gym with Okada and Gedo to train. I'll just see you there."

He hugged me one last time before turning on his way. The entire time, I watch him until he disappeared from my view. As soon as I took a step back to the house, the entire atmosphere has changed. No longer was a treated like family, but as a royal...something I sometimes hate to place in my name.

"Your father called, your Highness." David had pointed out. "He has requested you call him at the best available time for the Princess."

I inwardly cringed at the title still placed to my name. It's been a week, but I was still trying to get used to the arrangement given to me by my father. For my own safety and his as well as grandma's sanity, they demanded I stay with our country's Ambassador to Japan. It helped to have them share the same Last name as I used, less complicated.

"What did he say?"

"He is asking whether or not he'd have his lawyers involved with your contract with your former employer."

I shake my head at him. "I'll talk to him when I get back from the gym. But if he calls, tell him I don't want the family involved in the dispute. It will end on its own before the month ends."

"Yes your highness."

"David, you are to respect my friends. They have treated you with the utmost of respect and I want you to show the same courtesy." My eyes lingering towards the mother and son. "I do not condone disrespect to anyone, especially the very people that helped me in my chosen path."

The Spencer family nodded.

"You remind me of her." Kristy was quick to point out. The sneer plastered on her face as she said it. At least I knew there were a chosen few that disliked my mother. "Diana had the same mindset back then. It never stopped when she was married to Charles, and I doubt it would ever stop if she was still alive to this day."

I nodded, smiling at the sentiment. When it came to my mother, I always felt emotional. I've lost her at such a young age, and nothing just seemed normal anymore after that. I've grown used to my parents being divorced, but my mother's death just took a part of me and crumbled it to a million pieces before my very eyes.

I knew being the daughter of Princes Charles of Wales and Princess Diana had its perks, but sometime I just refused to be a part of the family. I knew I had a responsibility that came to my name. But I don't want it. I don't want that part of my life any more than my mother did. Maybe that's what led to my father allowing me to do what I am today, because it reminded him of Mum, it reminded him of his sins of the past he tries so hard to correct.

"I am Francheska Victoria Elizabeth Marie of Wales. I am my mother's daughter." I whispered. "And I'd never want to change that." I assured looking at the single picture of my mother that joined the array of pictures on the wall.

Marty didn't catch sight of it yet, but I had just one picture of myself with my real family alongside the Spencer's. It was the last reminder of what was my life in Britain, the life I could always return to if I had given up on my dreams. I was a Princess, the 6th in line to the British Monarchy.

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