Chapter 2: T Y S O N

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I can't concentrate.

For the past three days, I haven't been able to fully concentrate. I was scared, scared that my knee would give up on me all over again. I was scared that I wouldn't be given the same opportunity in Japan anymore because of my injuries. I was scared because I was scared.

I know I should be concentrating on my match against Juice Robinson tonight, but how can I? On one side, being able to defend the IWGP US Championship title means the world to me and I want to deliver; I was worried that I'm still not in one hundred percent condition just yet.

"Kenny, focus." Nick's voice had been drifting now and again for the past few hours now, but still I wasn't listening to a word he's said. Poor Bucks having to constantly watch over me because of my issues.

I was snapped out of my trance because of a slap on my face. Jerking my head back I was about to punch the perpetrator out of instinct but halted at the sight of Marty, with a beautiful woman besides him. I've seen her before. I just can't put my finger exactly where.

Strawberry blonde hair in a messy bun, brown eyes twinkling with amusement covered in a pair of Harry Potter-styled glasses. She wore no make-up, not that she needed to, she was already beautiful as it was. Standing a little over five feet tall, she was small one but I knew for certain could pack a punch. Wearing Marty's merch shirt and the tightest jeans, he had ever seen on a woman, she was a looker, and I knew how lucky Marty was with his girlfriend.

"Snap out of it, Man!" Marty growled. "Tonight, I want you to show why you have that title. I want you to show everyone why you deserve that title you're holding on to!" he took hold of my shoulders. "Don't let anyone prove you otherwise. Don't let that ugly little head of yours prove you wrong, Man!"

Before I could respond my thanks, another slap was given to me, on my other cheek and I stood. I was going to hit him back but was immediately stopped by the Young Bucks. I am going to kill Marty if he continuous on with his antics. I don't give a damn if his girlfriend is in the same space.

"One more slap and I'll punch you back to the UK." I threatened earning a giggle from the woman he was with.

"Go right ahead, Kenny." She encourage. Her voice was velvety smooth and with a British accent, far more distinct than Marty's own. "You'd do the both of us some good if you do." She grinned pinching Marty on the cheeks.

"I don't usually do this, but do I know you from somewhere?" I couldn't help but ask.

She shrugged turning playfully to the Bucks then to Cody sitting on the bench; watching the entire thing happen but not wanting to involve himself just yet.

"I'm Tory." She said holding her delicate hand up to me. I took it without much hesitation and instead of the smooth and supple hold I was hoping for, I was met with rough and callous hand.

"You're a wrestler too?" I want to mentally slap myself for that weird question, but I can't help it.

"Yes, but with WWE still holding me on the throat, I'm just an ordinary girl." She shrugged with a smile. "I'm surprise you don't know me, Ken. I had a match or two with you and Kan back in the day."

And then it dawned to me who she was.

"Spencer." I said with a huge grin on my face now. "Victoria Spencer from London, England."

It finally dawned to me who she was. The beautiful creature in front of me was the enigmatic Queen of Submission back in her time in the Indies, she thought she'd take a nosedive to WWE, but now as I looked at her...she became different. WWE had ruined her and I want nothing more than to see her back to her former self, the woman I've grown so much attention for back in the day.

"Good job remembering me, Kenny." She praised patting me on my shoulder. "Now I want you to beat Juice Robinson inside out for me, try convincing me why I need to join Bullet Club." She requested.

My eyes trailed towards the smirking Cody. Is that why Gedo had been talking to the Bucks? Is that why Toks Fale and Tama Tonga was so giddy this past few days? Damn it, why am I the only one that didn't know? I was supposed to be the leader.

"Kick some ass, you might get a kiss in return." She winked.

And for some reason, that made all the worry and fear I had fade away. The challenging smile on her face meant she knew she had me hook and sinker. This is the first real interaction I have with this woman but why did she have so much effect on me?


I watched her in the audience. For someone that was still part of WWE, she really had the balls to be seen here in Japan. Her eyes sparkling throughout the entire time I was in the ring. She was intent with the way her brown eyes watched me the entire time. She shouldn't have this much effect on me by she did. She somehow did and that scared me. It got me so distracted that I almost didn't kick out when I was supposed to.

As I was dangerously in the top turnbuckle, I reversed Juice's maneuver and delivered the One-winged Angel for the win. My knee somewhat still ached as I lifted his leg up for the pin. I took my first breath of relief the moment I heard the bell ring. I stood with sweat clinging to every area of my exposed skin, but my eyes, my eyes were still attached to the woman watching.

I didn't hesitate making my way towards her, carrying her up through the metal barricade and pulling her for a quick kiss. No one mattered in that moment besides this unknown woman. The people of Kobe didn't matter as they screamed at my actions, all I knew for certain was this woman would be the death of me before I know it. I pulled her strawberry flavored lips against my own and all the pain in my body had magically disappeared.

I pulled away and instead of the smile I was expecting, I earned a slap on the face almost knocking me back down. I jerked my head towards her and was met with raging eye. Didn't she promise me a kiss when I win?

"Next time you even dare put your hands on me, I'm gonna kick your ass." She screamed walking away through the crowd while I was left stunned and mortified with what just happened.

I took my title and walked backstage for a short press conference. I've been doing this for such a long time that it already became a routine. I talk, I act like an asshole, and then I head for a shower. The routine had been ingrained to my mind for nearly all my years in NJPW, its grown even more as titles were thrown at me at times. 5-star matches had always been something I didn't need to think of. All I want if I was being honest, was to wrestler and create a story in my career. I don't want to be just that. I want people to remember me as this man that defied all odd and created something magical in his time all over the world.

I took a seat and the flashes of the camera began much to the growing annoyance. What I'd do to just leave and go back to my Flat and play video games. My cheek was still stinging and for some reason it was the only thing painful throughout my body. I didn't feel my knee aching anymore or any other parts of my body. Just my cheek, the same cheek she slapped just a while ago.

God, what I'd do to turn back time.

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