Chapter 29: T Y S O N

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"My girlfriend is going to kill me."

"My wife and father-in-law are going to kill me."

"If they don't ask, we don't tell, deal?"

"Consider it done."

With a firm shake. I had somehow made a deal with the devil; in the form of a man named Paul Levesque. I wasn't signing with them. I had just resigned with NJPW, and the company I am under isn't in good working relationship with WWE, most of the former talents aren't, especially my girlfriend, AJ, and Prince Devitt.

"I'm surprised you ask for a meeting with me. When was the last time we've seen each other in person?"

"When you gave Victoria her release from the company that didn't know her talent until it was too late."

I watched the smile on Hunter's lips, but I knew it was far from happy. He knew what he had lost, and every single one of the people in the company were paying for it. What they had lost is what NJPW had gained, what ROH gained, and most especially, what I had gained.

"How is she doing now?"

"She's on tour with ROH for a few weeks. Marty and the Bucks are keeping her busy for a while. She's headlining WOH's first ever championship tournament."

The smile couldn't help but lift my lips. I was proud of my girlfriend. She was searching for recognition, striving to make name for herself away from her family, I was happy that she did. Every bruises and bumps she had to endure day in and day out, it was all to make herself known. I watched her, I watched as the tears fall from her eyes as she tried to endure the pain. Living in the all-male world of NJPW.

"That's good to hear."

"Kevin and Rami are also joining them on tour right now." I added knowing my curiosity had peaked the moment I had heard so many talent had been released.

"Did they ever tell you why they were released?"

"All I know it started with Devitt then everyone else followed like dominos."

"Vince is out of touch."

"That's an understatement of the year, Paul. And you know it."

He simply nodded taking a sip of his beer. My eyes focusing on my cup of coke. It was going to be a long night and I knew as much.

"Sami for some reason tried reasoning to Vince why Victoria was terminated. You know how passionate he is about things. And Vince doesn't like it, he was in a bad mood and with Victoria's name replacing Punk's in the audience, it ended with Vince just tearing Sami a new hole."

"And Prince Devitt would defend Rami from anyone, including Vince." I guessed.

"And Vince fired him on the spot. And you know how Gallows, Anderson, and Styles are. Vince had no other choice but to fire all three of them on the spot to."

I nodded. I didn't need to know how Kevin got himself fired himself. Wherever Rami was, Kevin would follow.

"Is that reason enough as to why I didn't sign with WWE?" I offered leaning my back against the uncomfortable chair. Being in front of the WWE Executive behind my girlfriend was uncomfortable as it was.

"It is. And I understand." He sighed. "But I'm hoping you'd be open to the possibility in a few years."

My mind thought about the few years. I may or may not be married to Victoria. My life would change, I knew it and I was ready for it. I knew my career would shift and I was definitely ready for it, because I love her. I love every aspect of her life, even if it meant affecting my own.

"I'll think about it. It's not about me anymore. I think about Victoria more than anything else."

"Do you think she would be open to returning?"

I blinked. I knew her, and if I asked her now, I would know her answer. I couldn't blame her. Everything she had strived in the Indies just to be in WWE, then having them do what they did to her. I knew it was discouraging, I know the feeling and I've dealt as much as she did.

"She's holding onto the Jr. Heavyweight title right now. Ring of Honor wants her to be the first to hold onto the first WOH belt. She has a great opportunity ahead of her, and WWE isn't on her focus right now."

"And you?"

"No." I shook my head.

If they had asked me a few months before I met Victoria, I could have said yes. I had everything I could want in a career. I may have never won the IWGP Heavyweight title, but I had made a name for myself for everyone to see. No one could ever compete on me with that.

But then I met her, all my plans now vanished and all depended on her. I don't want to leave her and go to WWE. Not after the way they had treated her. And just because I can't see myself having to be so far away from her. Rarity of us ever being in the same day off would be few and far in-between.

"My home is where I am most appreciated in. It's where my girlfriend is. Besides, the company has finally promised me a title run and I'm not gonna miss that opportunity any time soon."

I bit the inside of my cheeks, what many people don't know was the fact that I will propose to Victoria as soon as I win the title from Okada. It was still a long time coming but I knew I had enough time to prepare for it. Enough time to ask for her family's blessing, and most especially enough time to actually convince her that I wouldn't leave in the long run.

As I tried to think of what the year has to offer to me, I was ready. The fear I had of possibly feuding with Prince Devitt or AJ Styles has long been forgotten. My future was secured, secured in the form of the British five footer with sarcasm and passion all shoved into her beautiful body. Maybe that's why I wasn't scared. As long as I had her, I felt everything around me stay sane.

"Maybe that's what I've always needed Hunter. It's not against you. It's just me wanting to stay with her."



From the moment, she had returned from tour to the very moment we spend our day off playing Street Fighter (which she was actually winning), she had been noticeably quiet. Clingy but quiet. She may not notice it, but the subtle way her fingers would hook with my own as we wandered around in the market this morning was a sure indicator of it.

"You're really not going to tell me, Mega Man?"

And as I paused the game, I turned toward her. But my mind, well my mind was elsewhere. Scrambling around the very depths trying to figure out what I might have said or done to cause this.

"Quick question is: how did you find out about it?" I was hoping, and praying that she never found out about it nor thought the worst out of the situation.

"Dirty Sheets. And Hunter retracting the contract he sent me a few days ago was a sure indicator of it."

"I didn't sign. I just personally told him I wasn't and wouldn't for a long time."

"Mega Man—"

"Princess, it's not just because of you. I still have a good few years in me with NJPW. I want to do all of it first before I would take a risky move in WWE. It's not my priority anymore."

"I know it would take a long time before I'd ever step back into that company, but I don't want you to hold yourself off if the opportunity is there. I don't want to hold you back, Kenny."

"You're not. Not Hush, I'm planning on beating you this round."

"In your dreams, Mega Man." She scoffed nudging me on the shoulders as she resumed the game.

I lost the game, but I knew I had won in terms of life. I had her, I had the career I never thought I'd ever have. That was what was important to me and everything else in my life. All that was left for me to do was ask for her family's blessing when I do propose to her. It wouldn't be right now, but it's in the plan. Always was.

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