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"Is this a warning, Nana?"

OCTOBER 15, 2017 || London, England


Victoria took a deep breath looking pointedly at her brothers, both of which tried and failed to ignore looking at her or at Camilla that had opened the conversation regards to her personal life. It was an open secret now in the family how she had spent most of her days in Japan, joining in on the antics of the entire cast of Being the Elite, her relationship with Kenny was also being placed under scrutiny by the very people she was having lunch with.

"His real name is Tyson Smith, if you're so interested in it." She muttered taking a sip of water, of all three siblings, she was the one that had been openly displaying her disdain towards her step-mother, in her eyes, the woman who destroyed her family and her life in general. One word out of the woman's mouth meant Victoria would come lashing with her own venom. "The last time I've checked, no one was so keen in my love life in the past, what's changed?"

"Nothing's change, Darling." It was now her father's turn to interrupt. Her father had become the mediator between bouts between herself and his second wife. "You know how worried your Grandma is when it comes to the people you associate with."

"Associate with? They have been nothing but good to me since I made my way to Japan. Kenny most especially. He treats me good, better than any of the men you have had me meet in the past."

There was silence in the room, it was secret between father and daughter, the numerous men he had had her meet during her free time, but it would always stay the same, she chose wrestling over them, over the men that had promised to give her a better future away from everything that she would deem as a nightmare. She rejected all of them and chose to live her life the way she had always wanted it to be.

"Your father is only thinking of what's good for you." Camilla once again intervened and it was the opening she needed.

"What was good to me when I was young was a complete family. Without you in it. It's too late for you or for my father to think of what's good for me. I am not succeeding any thrones as you may believe I am. I'm thirty with my life already in place for what I want to be, no one can stop me in my choices, not you, not my father, not even my brothers. So just let me be."

Silence had enveloped the room, everyone was fell stiff with another tirade of the self-proclaimed Queen of Submission, it was then that she once again realized that she ruined another lunch with her family. At times like this, she was coming to realize that she was moving farther and farther away from them, she was becoming a stranger and nuisance in her own home.

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