Chapter 10: V I C T O R I A

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"Henry Charles Albert David!"

My eyes were wide in complete shock at the individual laid on my apartment bed. How in the bloody hell has my brother gotten into Japan without me knowing? How had the family not known about this? How in the bloody hell has news never circulated about him being here? And most importantly how did he get into my apartment without me knowing?


I looked at my ginger-haired big brother. In a simply white shirt and dress pants, he casually laid on my bed as if he owned it. A smug smile on his face the entire time he was acting he wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Don't go what on me!" I nudged him off of my bed. "What the hell are you doing here?"

My mind already reeling with why he was actually here. I knew Marty or even Kenny would be here any minute now and I don't know where I could hide this man. The man I had the misfortune of actually calling my brother.

"I'm visiting my sister, what's the problem with that?"

"The problem is no one knows I am your sister." I whispered still afraid of Kenny or Marty suddenly knocking on my door. "And you're making it hard for me to keep that secret with you barging her without my knowledge first."

"Can't I catch up with my sister?" he scoffed. He turned onto his stomach unfazed by me trying to push him away from my bed. "And since you're too private and secretive, I thought it was best if I come to you instead."

I knew his tone. I knew it well enough that I just wanted nothing to do with it. But knowing him, he was stubborn and will not leave until he was satisfied with any of my answer.

"You're here for more than that."

"We had to learn about you and that Omega bloke from the internet and not you. Nana and our father isn't happy about that one bit."

"Harry, between the two of us, you're not allowed to give me the talk."

I dared him to deny it. I had supported his relationship with Meghan. I thought I'd have the common courtesy from him in return. But it seems I don't.

"I'm not trying to force either of you apart. All I'm saying is a heads up would have been good things."

I sighed, I slumped on the bed on top of him. He groaned but I slapped him in the back of the head for good measures. He used to love carrying me around, now he's complaining about me being on his back.

"I just didn't want to talk about it until I'm sure it's serious." I muttered playing with his curly red hair.

"Well is it serious then?"

"We've just started officially dating, so I can't promise much yet."

"But you want it to be serious?"

I took a deep breath. Of course, I want it to be serious. I want something more than just a casual fling that would end after we gotten our fill. As much as I try so hard not to say it, I don't want my relationship with anyone to turn sour like that of my Mum and Dad. I couldn't take it.

"What woman would want to play around with relationship in this age and time, Harry?"

He didn't respond and simply shrugged.

"How is Meghan, by the way?"

"Well, that's another reason why I'm here."

A lengthy silence surrounded my room and I waited patiently for his answer. I am going to pulling him into the figure four if he tells me he broke off with the woman. She was lovely, the only woman I've ever seen to keep up with all his bullshit. The only woman that could keep him in place.

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