Chapter 9: V I C T O R I A

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"Your birthday is coming up." I couldn't help but point out.

I was met with a groan leaving me once again in fits of laughter. He was the type of guy that refuses to think about his age. I've figured as much as neither Bucks nor any of the members of BC had mentioned it or Kenny refused to even mention it.

"I just want to head back to my apartment, hide away from the world and play video games." He muttered taking a sip of his soda.

I smiled inwardly hoping the package would arrive on time for his birthday. I've had to pull some favors from Will's friends just to get those bloody games a few days earlier than their supposed release. I just wish he would like those games.

"Even if I give you a cake on your birthday would you still be groaning like a child?" I asked giggling.

"Depends, would either of us be in our birthday suits?"

"Not happening." I giggled with him joining in on the laugh.

Suddenly, the laughter died down and his face took on a serious not. The smile fell on his face and his eyes wandering around, nowhere at me.

"You're doing a shoot interview with Chris Jericho, right?"

I nodded, knowing what he was trying to imply then and there.

"I'm not gonna tell anything that is concerned about you. If that's what you're so worried about."

I leaned back, trying as I could to avoid his gaze. So much for having a quick dinner before flying to the next city. I took another sip of my drink as we were now enveloped in silence. A heavy silence.

"Princess," his hand held my own but I still refused to look at him. "That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about you and the questions we still haven't answered ourselves."

"What questions?" I mumbled.


"What about it?"

"Are we going too fast? Am I scaring you with how fast we're making things?"

I was silent unable to answer those questions as well. Maybe we're going too fast. Maybe we're not. All I know is I want this. I want what we were having. It was never in my best interest to be in this kind of relationship before. I never wanted this much commitment in a short amount of time. But with him, my plans all got ruined.

"Are we going too fast? And do you want to go as fast as we are now?"


I looked back towards him in question, hoping to find the answer I need. I was met with a smile. A smile of pure certainty that made me jump head first into what was impending.

"I've known what I want from the day you slapped me. I want to know where you stand and where we would go from there."

"It's perfect." I whispered and realized the gravity of it.

"Then what are we? What do you want us to be?"

"I don't—I don't know."

"I know what I want Princess." He leaned close to me. "You and I know what we both want, but I want you to say it. Say it to my face and I'll make it happen."


That was all I could say because I didn't even know what we were really were. I know what I want, but was it the very same thing he would want as well?

"You want me to say it or do you want me to continue forcing you?" he smirked finally pulling me into another kiss. The same passion as the kiss we shared in the arena. This was the kissed that confirmed we shared the same need.

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