Chapter 15: V I C T O R I A

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"So where are you headed?" I smiled at Kenny's little sister. She was really a bubbly girl. And she had been constantly annoying her older brother the entire time I was here.

She reminded me so much of my own brother.

"Where they're going is really none of your business," Kenny muttered.

I turned towards Meghan seeing the amusement in her own eyes. The entire time she was having breakfast to the moment we were seated in the living room, the brother and sister had been bantering nonstop with Hilary constantly stopping them if either of the got too far.

"We're just catching up. It's been a long time since we actually last seen each other."

It was a downright lie. Meghan knew as much. It was the family secret, knowing she was to become part of the family in the near future. She knew the procedures that came to being a part of the family. A secret that many made sure to keep, even to the brink of their own lives.

"You've been friends with her for a long time?"

I noticed the suspicion in Kenny's eyes. He knew that Marty and Finn were the only two people I talk mostly about. The two people I've trusted the most in my time in wrestling. And now comes Meghan with a lie that we were both trying so hard to keep in front of my boyfriend and his family.

"Since..." Meghan looked at me in hope of helping her out on this.

"Around two years?" I asked acting as if I was clueless as well. "Around the time Cody was still in WWE with the bloody Stardust angle."

I inwardly sighed as he nodded, convinced with my sudden lie.

"So what are you two doing today?"

I shrugged. The only real reason we were seeing each other was to discuss about some really ugly feud going on within the family. Something neither Nana nor my father wanted to take care off. So they decided to have me handle of this instead.

"We're going to the mall or something? Depends on what this boring woman thinks of doing." Meghan explained and I gaped at her in mortification.

"She's too modest, but not boring." Vanessa added which immediately earned a slap on the back of the head from Kenny. "What? That's actually a good thing! Someone to finally balance out the crazy in you."

Meghan and I shared a laugh at the siblings' antics, it almost reminds me of me and my brothers. I wished Meghan could see that part of Harry and Will no one knows about. But if I do that, it meant returning to a life I never want to have if I could allow it.

"When are you flying back to Japan?" Kenny asked.

I shifted my gaze back towards him. I knew he wanted to spend more time with him. And with me beginning to train back to shape for my return, I would be busy, more so than he'll ever be. We both needed time together, especially after practically no communications in a span of a week.

"I haven't booked a flight yet, actually." I shrugged.

"Good. We can fly back to Japan if you want." He winked and I simply blushed seeing the grin playing on the rest of the people in the living room.


"You've been modest, like your boyfriend's sister had pointed out." Meghan pointed out the moment we headed to a nearby coffee shop.

Sometimes, I wonder why I insist with helping Meghan. I just look at her and realize why. She was the best thing that could ever happen to my brother. I wanted to protect her from everyone, including the people that doesn't want her to be with my brother in the first place.

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