Chapter 5: T Y S O N

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"This should be considered sacrilegious." Marty had pointed out as Candice LeRae came with her husband, NXT Superstar Johnny Gargano.

"Not to me, Villain."

I watched Victoria lock Marty in an Octopus hold until the man taps out before hugging Candice, then Johnny. The dread she once felt before going to the Performance Center was completely gone and all that was left was this surprisingly bubbly woman, far from the woman that slapped me in Kobe a few days ago.

Aside from several friends of ours in the area, ROH and numerous promotions alike, some other member of the rosters from TNA had come upon hearing Victoria was free from WWE's grasp. With her only waiting to be out of her non-compete clause before returning to her roots.

"How did it go?"

My eyes turned back toward Cody, a small smile on his face as he watched the antics between Marty and Victoria continue along. God, those two act like siblings sometimes.

"Surprisingly alright." I respond shrugging. It really did for some reason and if he didn't trust my word, he could ask his own lawyer about it. "No blood was shed so it was a victory in my opinion."

"They wasted her." I noticed the way Cody's eyes looked at Victoria. "I've heard stories around the Indy's when it comes to her. She had always been open with other people, but as soon as she stepped foot in WWE, all I ever saw was a shell. Brandi had tried numerous times to get to know her, but she always pulled away and became closed off."

"I barely even recognized her back in Kobe." I pointed out.

"They made her change herself. She has always this British air in her that was brutal in the ring and even more brutal in the microphone. They made her soft, they made her appear weak. It didn't help that her title reign were a few, short, and far in-between."

"WWE is what it is." I shrugged remembering my own time back in developmental.

"At least she's out. That's the only good thing. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to have her join the Bullet Club." His brows wag while I looked at him in question.

"I was never told of that."

"Talk to Gedo. Devitt and Styles placed good word on the booker and Gedo is already salivating at the possibility of her being in the group. It helps that even Okada and Ospreay placed good word in NJPW."

"The first official woman in Bullet Club..." I trailed off and for some reason it was a right fit. She was Marty's tag team partner in the past and they had wonderful chemistry something which came rare in an inter-gender tag team.

"You're already hard in the pants just thinking about it." The boisterous laughter and slap on the back somehow made me blush but I ignored his comment instead thought of a way to incorporate her into the whole group.

"The Villain and the Submission Queen," I trailed off once again returning my gaze towards the woman being smothered with kisses by Rosemary.


I was back home in my apartment in Japan. After the crazy party two nights ago, I decided to head back to Japan and spend the rest of my week off catching up on some of the shows or probably some video games, whatever gets me in the mood.

Before I could even attempt to think of what to do, a text message immediately interrupts all of it. Swiping my phone open, I was greeted by a message from Toks Fale and I was surprised by his message at ten in the morning.

'Bucks and Scurll already making Tama's head ache. Help before Tory kills all the men.'

I reread the message. Victoria was back in Japan? I mentally prepped myself before throwing all decisions out of the windows and just winging it. Whatever had Tama Tonga in a bad mode, it certainly spells trouble, but what I'm more worried about is Victoria. Who would dare sour her already brightening mood?

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