a u t h o r 's n o t e

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And this is the last of Lurid. Or is it?

I want to take this opportunity to thank every single individual that had supported this story. To those who read this, voted, and even commented [sorry for my lack of commenting, i am still a shy potato in all honesty].

I also want to take this opportunity to talk about my experience in writing this story, my second finishing story [my first being Ruthless]. I don't want to say I'm happy about this story nor do I want to say I felt awful about it. I'm still in the middle right now.

Let's me explain from the top on how this story came to be.

This story was intentionally made in time for NaNoWriMo, my first which had actually been wrestling related. This also being the first one that I actually won. I'm happy for such an achievement, no one could ever deny that. But that's where it gets a little iffy for me. Because of me just writing on and on and on, the mere presence of an actual plot in this story was lacking. My primary goal was to have 50,000 words and I did, but now the goal I would like to add it to fix this story.

I cringe every single time I re-read this story and wonder the awkwardness between Kenny and Victoria. I want to change that. I want their romance to be more slow sailing and not seem forced. I want to give more depth to Tory's character. I want to see more bitch fight between my Oc's and her wicked step-mother. I want to show more about the friendship between her and Marty since he's been placed randomly in this story as much as he should have had a major role in all of this.

I want to change so many things in my story. I really do. So, as this story end, this is not the end (am I making sense? Lol). After this author's note, there would be a chapter one or something, but this time it's going to be the edited version of the story.

One thing I've been debating was re-writing the whole thing, but then I realized that if I do that and I know to God that so much of the story would change. I'd decided to just post an edited version instead leaving the original so you get a gits of what happened before everything was edited and how I've made it better (or worse) in the newer version.

It won't be a weekly thing or routinely done as you may or may not have seen in my works, I have hundreds of on-going stories [if someone could slap some sense to me, that would be helpful], and I want to focus on them too (especially Unholy Alliance). So please bear with me on this journey.

While waiting for the newer version, I might even slip a few one-shots and bonus chapters here and there, the life of Kenny and Tory after the Epilogue had happened or something. Hahahah. You never really know with me.

Once again, I'd like to thank everyone single one of you in this journey, it wasn't smooth sailing but it was a journey that had taught me so much and I will forever be grateful for.


Lurid [ KENNY OMEGA] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now