Chapter 6: T Y S O N

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She was something else.

For over 24 hours, I couldn't get her out of my mind. I'll admit, she has had her moments; but that's just what makes her...her. She spoke her mind, often never having a filter which was endearing. She wasn't afraid to eat to her heart content which I found so rare in a woman in this day and age.


I jerked my head back towards the two individuals I tried avoiding all day yesterday. One thing I've noticed about the Bucks was the black eyes both of them were sporting. Nick's being worse than Mat's.

"Do I even need to know who did that to you two?" I inquired wrapping tape around my wrists. My eyes still focused on the two.

"We apologized to her as soon as we got a hold of's didn't go too well." Matt muttered turning back to his bag.

My eyes trained back to Nick waiting for what he'll say, knowing he was the reason for all of this in the first place. I haven't seen any sign of Marty yet. It was better that way. No fights while I thought about how the match would happen tonight.

"I said I was sorry." Nick muttered scratching the back of his neck in the process.

"And she's alright with that?" I asked.

"After the punch she gave both of us? Surprisingly yes."

I shook my head. That woman was something else. What I'd do to get more time to talk to her like I did in McDonald's. A small part of me wished Marty brought her along, another part of me knew it's going to be chaos if she was here. Pissed Marty included in the whole mix as well.

"Then that should be a good thing?" I asked wondering what more could be a problem now if everything was alright now.

"It is." He sighed. "But Marty..."

I nodded.

"He'll forgive you." I assured patting him on the shoulders. "Let's just focus on the match tonight."

Before he could continue on with his plan for tonight, the sudden sound of the door made all of us turn. Marty sprawls in with a frown on his face followed by Victoria who was somehow smiling ear to ear. Marty gave everyone a slight nod before turning towards the bathroom to shower, leaving the only woman in the Bullet Club locker room under our scrutiny.

"He'll be fine." She assured without all of us asking. "He'll get over it. Just buy him a pack of Earl Grey or something."

I smirked loving her humor from time to time. She took a seat on the bench and only then, did I realize the book—well comic book she held on to. I smirked knowing I was responsible for it somehow. I knew stopping by the bookstore would be a good thing to do yesterday.

"What are you reading?" I couldn't help but ask.

She smirked holding it up making me gape at her in mortification.

"Thanks for the suggestion but I'm more into the Man on Man-kind." She winked opening the book.

My eyes turned towards two Holier than thou individuals. Christian boys.

"Just. Don't." I advised both and they simply shut their mouths and continued on fixing their stuff for the night.

For the next hour, everything around us run smoothly. No screaming or shedding blood. Everything was normal, except for the silence of the usually talkative Marty Scurll. Even the Bucks had tried talking to the man but only responded with a nod. It was getting out of hand and Victoria couldn't sit still because of it.

"Alright," I stood up from my bench looking pointedly at everyone. "No one is leaving this room until the air is cleared." I snapped lifting Victoria into my shoulders earning a surprised squeal from the woman.

"You're locking us here?" Marty finally question. At least I knew he could speak.

"Yup. And I'm having Fale and Tama watch guard until then." I smirked walking out of the room with Victoria still on my shoulders.

As soon as I took sight of Toks and Tama, I explained to them the situation and they simply nodded. Amusement clearly written on both of their faces not only for Marty's situation but the fact that I was carrying Victoria. Clad in the tightest jeans and Marty's merch shirt. I thanked them both before walking away unfazed with her still in my shoulders like a Caveman.

"So how long will you have me like this?"

I halted in my steps, shrugging. Having her in my arms—shoulders was...perfect. I didn't want it any other way. I held my tongue as I continued walking greeting some members of the NJPW crew and wrestlers alike. Everyone weirded out by my antics. I never really gone out much besides my own locker room. So I know it was a complete surprise to them to have me out and about with a beautiful woman being practically manhandled by me.

"You think they'll get over all this?" she asked once again.

"You forgave the Bucks, let's have some fate on Marty to do the same." I assured her as I finally placed her down when we were in monitor rooms to watch a match between Will Ospreay and Zack Sabre Jr. Her eyes suddenly lit up at the sight of the two men in the ring.

"Long time since I've seen either blokes in the same ring."

I watched her in silence. Her eyes trained on the monitors the entire time. It was an amazing sight to see. Her lips spread in a wide grin the entire time. I've never really enjoyed anyone's company—let alone a woman's. But here, in the moment of silence with only the sound of the crowd around us, I felt something I never thought I'd feel again. I felt courage. My heart palpitated and my palms became sweaty, but it wasn't fear overpowering me, it was bravery with nervousness. Nervousness for what I was about to ask her.

"I wanted to ask," I trailed off making her turn her attention to me. "Is it alright if we go out sometimes? W-Without anyone else?"

I mentally slapped myself for asking that. Now I look like I'm being too forwards with her. God, what if she'd already taken? What if Marty is her boyfriend that we don't know about?

"Like a date?" she asked raising a brow at me. Her nose crinkles and my heart suddenly drops.

I nodded.

I stood still in front of her. In just my tights and a random Merch shirt on, I felt naked in her gaze. She bit her lips for a moment, almost as if to think about it and then the smile returned and she simply shrugs.

"Is that a yes then?" I asked.

"Can we try something else, other than McDonald's?"

"Like what?"

"I miss Fish and Chips."

"I'll see what I can do."

Definitely, she was something else.

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