Chapter 25: V I C T O R I A

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'Baba is in the hospital. He's asking for you, your boyfriend, and Marty.'

In the wake of my day off, this wasn't how I'd hope to the start my day. The very air was cast out of me at the text my brother sent me. What happened to Baba? Every possible idea shoving itself to my mind. My one true fear of losing him somewhat coming into a reality.

And without thinking, I made got out of my apartment in just a tanktop and jeans and dashed all the way towards Kenny's. I didn't need to think about it. I still haven't forgiven him, but I needed someone to help me in this part of my life. I just needed Kenny more than I ever thought I could.

The thought that it was still two in the morning didn't register as I arrived to his apartment. Knocking crazily on the door like a mad woman. As soon as the doors open, I didn't think as I tackled Kenny for a hug, and for some reason he had expected it.

Wrapping his strong arms around me as he nudged the door shut behind me. I finally let the tears flow. I broke apart all over again in front of him. My fears of losing someone so important to me was coming true and once again, I didn't have any power to stop it. I never had the power to stop losing someone important in my life.

"What's going on?"

I couldn't speak as the sobs continued. Kenny didn't push me, which I was thankful for. He simply carried me with him towards his bedroom. I laid with him on his bed, with his arms still protectively and comfortingly wrapped around me. His voice lingering with assurance that everything was fine. That everything would be alright. He chanted it over and over again, and I almost believed it.

After what I felt like hours, the sobs finally subside and Kenny was still tirelessly rubbing my back. Looking up towards him, I met his blue eyes. And there wasn't any form of judgement in my ugly crying. He was here for me and I wonder why. I still wonder why he'd open his arms to be after everything I've done, everything I've hidden from him.

"I'm sorry."

I couldn't help it. I broke even more as I looked at him. I didn't want to lose him yet here I am pushing him away. He explained his part but why couldn't it be enough?

It was fear. I was scared of losing him. I was so scared of getting hurt if he was more deeply involved with me. That was the shittiest part of all of this. I was afraid of losing him and yet, that was what I've bene doing. I push him away because of it. I don't want him to walk away from me, I prefer to do it to him for some god damn reason.

"I don't know what to do anymore, Kenny. Us. My Baba. Fuck, even my own bloody identity. Everything is falling apart and I don't know what to hold on to anymore."

Then I felt it. His lips against my own. His lips soft and the taste of mint chocolate ice cream he seemed to love to consume lingered. He was kissing me and in that kiss, it assured me he was here. Holding onto me when no one else would.

"I'm here."

And I knew he would be.

"I fucked up, Mega Man. I fucked up everything good in my life—maybe you're right. Maybe I'm ungrateful for the things given to me. That might be the reason why God is punishing me. Maybe this is the reason why—"

I couldn't stop my word vomit as he placed his lips against my own all over again. Halting me from the panic I felt. In his lips and in his comfort, I was back to my equilibrium.

"You didn't fuck up. I did. What I did during the New Year's party and what I said a few nights ago. I didn't mean it. It was just a spur of the moment. I was angry. I was so damn confused. But all I knew that time was I can't lose you. Fuck, I'm willing to do anything, and I mean any damn thing just to have you back in my arms. I know you can't forgive me right now but I'm willing to do anything just to earn your trust again."

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