Chapter 30: V I C T O R I A

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"You alright?"

Was I alright? I looked at the crowd continuously screaming our name. It's been a year and it was a rollercoaster of a year for me and Kenny. From my brother's wedding, to his feuds with both AJ and Fergal. And the fact that I finally turned on Minoru Suzuki and aligned myself with the rest of Bullet Club.

Wrestle Kingdom 13 was now upon us. Kenny was part of the Main Event against Kazuchika Okada. I wasn't really sure if he'd finally win the title this time, but I pray he does. He had been working so hard for this opportunity. Having gone through a bumpy start in G1 Climax, with the likes of Kota Ibushi, Styles, and Devitt blocking his way. But he persevered and he was part of the Main Event for the third time.

I, on the other hand, was in a pickle. With Marty winning the Best of Super Junior, he had challenged me for the title. It was my time to finally give him what he deserved. I was alright with that. It was his all along. But it doesn't mean I wasn't ready to fight to the death for the title. I had proven over and over why I deserve to be here. I wasn't here because of Kenny or of anyone else's merits but my own. I was sure this wasn't a 5-star match or anything of that caliber, but me and my best friend had gave our all for it. For this business, we had literally shed blood.

"Yeah." I nodded as he wrapped his arms around me.

In what felt like an entire day, he had pinned me. I had lost the title but had gained more from the experience. This was my second Wrestle Kingdom event I was a part of. My first winning the title, and the second finally losing it to the man that was meant for the title in the first place.

"We did it, Muffin." Marty muttered as he held tighter onto the title. "Fuck Muffin, this isn't Wrestlemania, but this is even better. We finally made our dreams come true all at the same time."

I nodded wiping the tears that had fallen. When we were younger, we always promised ourselves this moment. We'd be part of one of the biggest shows in the world. It might not have been in WWE, but this was NJPW, a now international company that is spearheading against WWE.

"Yeah. Bloody hell, Marty. I never thought we'd be able to compete in the same ring of this scale before."

"We're at the top of the wrestling world now, Muffin."

"Overstatement, Martin."

"Nope. Nothing you can say would change my mind on this." He smirked wrapping his arm around me, his other shoulder rested the title I had held onto just before the match. "Now come on, Kenny's been shitting on his pants nervous about our match and his upcoming match."

"You think he's winning the title this time?"

"Let's hope he does. E's been persistent with signing him and Kenny has been contemplating it ever since with how NJ's treating him."

I nodded. It worried me for what WWE could possibly do to Kenny if he does decided to work for them. I trust Kenny would be a huge commodity for the company, but so did Fergal and all the men Vince's had fired out of spite. I don't want Kenny's arrival to be meant with nothing but disappointment. My instance should have been the last time.

"You worry too much, Muffin. Kenny would rather die and have this video game consoles stolen than have himself leave you behind."

Well, that did little to assure me.


"Why am I the only one joining you in the ring again?"

"Because Okada only has Gedo and you can handle Gedo perfectly all on your own."

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