what should have been:

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Hi. So, I'm not yet back, I'm cleaning stuff up in my place right now and while cleaning, I've saw my notebook of the plotline with what is supposed to happen in this story. Since I don't have any plan of ever continuing this story knowing what entails with some of the characters as well as the history of the Royal Family, I just thought I would post it here as my own way of finally have the closure of how the story should have ended. This will be the final chapter i would make for this story and to be finally done with it. Thank you so much for the support each and everyone of you have given for this story. It means the world to me. xoxo

Side Note: most of the time I don't follow what i write in my notes, but it's sort of a guide of how the story would move, so yeah. Enjoy the mess of me planning chapters for this story before.



Act One: Foolhardy - reckless, bold, and rash

Act Two: Ruse - an action intended to deceive someone or trick.

Act Three: Evoke - bring or recall a feeling,  memory, or image to the conscious mind.

Act Four: Facilitate - make an action or process easy or easier.

Act Five: Enlace - entwine or entangle



- Tory trying to get her grounds after leaving WWE.

- She starts a relationship with Kenny Omega out of the blue. Their relationship open to the public which they would often reference during skits for Being the Elite.

- Tory's family begins warning her about her antics behind the camera which falls into deaf ears and continues on.

- One said occasion, Marty finds out about the truth of her identity as she was facetiming her brothers, her resistance to explain to Marty the truth set both of them into a falling out.

- Tory finally returns back to the ring for Stardom and ROH. Everyone knowing something was going on between the two best friends than not even Kenny could understand what's going on.


- Tory had grown distant with everyone, including Kenny. Her secret becoming more apparently important than anyone else. Kenny unintentionally tells Tory that there might be truth in what people are painting her to be because of how she is currently acting.

- She flew to Orland to get away from everyone and come in the comfort of Finn, Sami, and Kevin who spat cold hard fact that she always had an issue with opening up to everyone--including them in the past.

- Heading back to ROH's tour, she comes toe to toe with Marty and post-match she breaks down and finally admits to her best friend the truth and all the fears that come with her secret.

- Kenny apologises for his words and Tory forgives him but doubts about the foundation of their relationship begins to settle.

- On her day off, Tory was called to return home to answer all of her antics for the past few months.


- Tory heads back to the apartment she shared with her brother and for the first time, she invites Marty so she could finally introduce her brother to the first man that believed in her capabilities as a wrestler when she started out.

- She attends lunch with her family, her grandmother and father growing critical of her past actions and her apparent relationship with Kenny was heavily placed in the discussion.

Lurid [ KENNY OMEGA] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now