Chapter 14: T Y S O N

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"Mom, for the love of's not easy to bring her around with me all day every day." I muttered turning towards my Mom and sister, trying everything they could to annoy me in my last three days back home here in Canada.

"At least bring her for Christmas." Vanessa, my little sister, had the balls to punch me in the chest in public.

Sometimes I wonder why I fly back here. I have an apartment in Japan. Away from them, away from the bullying I've constantly had to endure in this very place. I've got the money, but every single time I just can't help but come back here to them. As annoying as my sister could be.

"She has a family of her own to go to Christmas." I muttered. "Besides, we're not yet in that level of our relationship to bring each other to our families just yet."

My eyes wandering around the park. It was early in the morning, and with my jetlag, I should be sleeping. Sleep away the fact that it had been nearly over a week since I've last talked to Victoria. I knew I messed up for punching Kota and almost endangering both of our careers in the process.

"Bull, Ty." Ness smile and sometimes I just wanted to throw her into the nearby fountain.

"We haven't talked for a week now, alright!" I snapped scratching the back of my head. It had been a number one rule whenever I was back in Winnipeg, the hair needs to be tied down or be cut off. I prefer having it tied than grow it back, which takes longer.

I saw Mom give my sister a stern look. I may have told her about what happened as soon as I got back. I just didn't know what to do anymore. It was one of the only reason I flew all the way back here for. I can't talk to the Bucks about it, especially Marty. He may had been a friend, but his loyalty would always be with Victoria. Even if it means having me stay away from the woman if he deems it necessary.

"It will be alright, Tyson."

I looked at her, the very woman that supported me in everything I've done in life. She had been the cloak that hid me from everything in this world that was just so cruel. She brought me back home when I thought my career was in shambles. She was there when I almost gave up, slapped me back to my senses and have supported me ever since. I was lucky to have Hilary Smith as my mother. I don't say it much but I knew how true the sentiment was.

"Hey isn't that..."

I followed Vanessa's line of sight and I was surprise with what I saw. In the cold morning of Winnipeg, I thought I was seeing a ghost. In black skinny jeans that clung to her perky bum, a white bullet club shirt, and what seems to be my leather jacket she stole in my apartment, she was a sight for sore eyes.

I gave Vanessa the look before approaching her. Victoria was busy on her phone she still hasn't realized I was here. I smiled observing how impatient she looked, lightly tapping on her foot and waiting for whoever she had been talking to.

"Well aren't you a beautiful thing to see in the early morning."

Instead of the surprise I was hoping to get, I earned a punch on the jaw knocking me to my ass. I looked up in shock, holding on to my pulsing jaw. Did she—did she literally just punch me in the face in front of my sister and Mom?


I could faintly hear my sister laughing in the background, but all I could put my attention to was the fact that Victoria now crouched in front of me. Brown eyes looking at the damage she had done to my jaws. Her gentle fingers that had been the cause of the possible bruising began checking on it. Eyes wide with worry and surprise.

Her gentle fingers that had been the cause of the possible bruising began checking on it. Eyes wide with worry and surprise.

"Blood hell, Mega Man. You surprised me."

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