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You may know this story as something I wanted to rewrite. I just want to give a short background on how this came to be and what would be next for it from now on.

I've written this story for NaNoWriMo, the first Wrestling Fanfiction I had ever did for the competition and the 2nd story I had completed by then. It is one of my best achievements up to this date, and it still is whenever I doubt about my capabilities for writing anything. 

I had finished writing this, got so much support from you guys from it as well, and forever I will be thankful for it.

When I wrote this, it was all throughout the best moments of Being the Elite, Kenny being my crush all throughout the end of heaven and hell--he still is most of the time). I loved the cast and I also loved the idea of someone in the British Royal Family as being part of it, it's really a princess and a pauper feel to me if I was being honest.

When I wrote the first draft, it was messy as hell, so many plot holes and unanswered questions that I admit needed as much salvaging as possible. Once I was done with the story I thought about remaking it after such a long time of hiatus, giving birth, and my own personal life in general, but I did come back to this, not just so I can write about how much of a dork Kenny was, but I had also wanted to write more about Victoria's relationship with Marty Scurll, who had been a brother to her ever since she started wrestling, and here lies the problem for me since the #SpeakingOut started.

Technically, this is a Kenny Omega story, but Marty is a big part of this story as well, being the first to find out about Victoria's secret and the likes, and it doesn't sit well with me knowing what he had done in the past, consensual or not, it is still wrong in my eyes and it brings back memories I had wished never to remember of my childhood and things that no girl should have ever experience.

That being said, especially knowing my revision for the story not only included Devlin but the British Strong Style as well (for those who don't know, Trent Seven has allegedly slept with a minor), I have decided to discontinue this story from now on.

I lost all the inspiration to write about someone like Marty as well as anyone included in the British Royalty [search up Prince Andrew; Jeffrey Epstein for reference about this].

I hope you understand where I'm coming from with this, and maybe, just maybe I will write something else completely different about Kenny and hoping to rid of anyone part of the problem in the wrestling world.


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