Chapter 27: V I C T O R I A

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"Why do I have the feeling that you genuinely don't like to see me." Zack Sabre Jr. had pointed out the moment both of us continued on with stretching.

Tonight in Yume Messe Miyagi for Road to the New Beginning, me and Zack were to compete against Tiger Mask and Jushin Thunder Liger. It's been roughly two weeks since I've last seen Kenny, two weeks since both of us were in my home and Kenny being introduced to everyone part of my family. Two weeks since I've last seen Camilla and had restarted the relationship, I had with my father. To say two weeks ago was a whirlwind was an understatement. But somehow, everything was going into place.

Besides the fact that fifteen days had passed that only facetime and calls were exchanged between me and my boyfriend. I missed him, and as mushy as that sounds, I missed just lying in bed with him while playing those God-awful video games of his.

"It's not that." I muttered as I sat back up from my stretching position beside him. A smirk playing on his face as he watched me wrap tape around both of my wrist.

I turned and noticed Zack come a little closer than what I was actually comfortable with. Not this again. Standing back up, I turned my gaze away from him and tried calming my psyche.

"Muffin! Just the woman I wanted to see."

I sighed hugging my best friend as he wrapped his arms around me. My eyes shifted towards Zack and saw him scoff. I was immediately reminded why I preferred Will Ospreay's company more than him.

"Marty, I thought you were in rehab?"

My eyes turning towards his knee and seeing the lack of brace. I smiled knowing he was doing a better progress than any of us could actually thought possible. The faster he was to get better the faster I could actually leave Suzuki-gun—far away from Sabre as possible. I loved Minoru but the rest of his group weren't keen of having a female in their group or in the roster in particular. The only reason I wasn't constantly harassed by the group was because of Minoru's orders and the constant fear that Gedo would have their arse if I was placed in harm's way.

But then there was Zack Sabre Jr.

I practically started my career with him, Marty, and Will Ospreay. Training at NWA UK Hammerlock together with Zack, before meeting Marty as they did the Leader of the New School team. Kenny or even Marty didn't know I dated him for a short time before calling it off because he was an asshole and a general misogynist that thinks women have no place in the ring.

"That was a few days ago." He smirked. "And I've got nothing better to do so I thought I'd follow you along like a dog for the entire tour."

That was our secret message between each other. Need help?

"Go and be a lap dog then, Martin."

I needed help.

"Our match is coming up, let's go."

Zack's less-than-pleased tone made me give Marty a pointed look. There was really something wrong with Zack right now and I am not gonna have it affect the entire match.

"I'll be waiting by monitors, Muffin." Marty winked and it was all the assurance I needed as I followed Zack out to the ring.

For a moment I tried forgetting about the bastard I had the misfortune of competing against and instead focused on the once in a lifetime opportunity; competing against Liger and Tiger Mask had always been on my bucket list and now I was going to be doing it.

I sprawled onto the mat, we lost. But at the same time, we did won. Even with the tension that I knew I had against Zack, we produce a great match. Two technical wrestlers against more hard hitting opponents. I smiled knowing the dive I've done was worth noticing.

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