Chapter 16: T Y S O N

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"So you heard?"

I didn't need to ask the moment I opened the door, she comes with glassy eyes and the look of someone that had witnessed their own dog get killed. It was heartbreaking to see. They were our friends, more her than me, but I've spent my time in Japan with them. They've already had their dreams within their reach but WWE just had to screw it up.

"I don't understand, Kenny." She muttered immediately wrapping her arms around me. Her head snuggled onto my chest. "They don't deserve this. No one bloody deserves this. Oh God, even Sami and Kevin. Those sweet Cherubs."

I bit my tongue, it was a little too much of an overstatement to call Kevin an angel, but Sami could, but not his other friend. I simply nodded closing the door and with her still leaning against my chest, we made our way to the living room. I was thankful my mother was in the grocery and my sister was at work. No one could disturb either of us.

"McMahon is really out of touch. I could understand them firing Sami and the Club with how lousy they booked them, but I don't understand why they would release AJ, Finn, and Kevin. All of them had been top draws in the company for so long. They are practically committing business suicide with their actions."

She nodded leaning more into my chest as I laid more into the couch, her on top of me. I watched her simply rest her body against me. She was a perfect fit. Always was, for some reason. My fingers brushed the top of her blonde locks. She practically melted against my body as I continued on with my action.

"They already have a backup plan, though."

"They can't sue WWE as much as it is always been tempting to do."

"Sami and Kevin are already in talk with Ring of Honor."

I tensed only then did I realize what the rest would plan on doing. It would be total chaos but at the same time be the best thing to happen to WWE.

"And Fergal, AJ, Karl, and Luke are all heading back to NJPW."

"Now that is something worth watching."

Even as I pointed it out, I feared it if it were to come. I would be overshadowed by them. I had always been from the start. And with them returning, I'll probably return to that position. As much as I would love for them to give the Bullet Club the resurgence it needed, I feared it would have me suffer in the consequence of it.

"What are you afraid of?"

I looked at her, her brown eyes looking at me with so much intensity that it made me question myself. Was I that transparent that she could see past through what I feared the most?

"I fear being overshadowed."

I couldn't lie to her as much as I would want to. How could I not fear something like that? It was inevitable. I may had climbed the ladder, but with them in the picture; I feel it would all be meaningless.

"You won't."

"How would you know?"

"NJPW has more faith in you because you never left. I love Devitt and Styles, but if I was the boss, I'd rather decorate a man that never left when he was on top than someone that left and returned after getting themselves screwed."

"Isn't that a little harsh, Princess?"

"All I'm saying is, you've carried NJPW all on your own. They make this an angle in the future but I don't think they would overshadow you. You're already overshadowing them with all your accomplishment without them."

This was what I needed. The assurance that I still be here. Even when the going gets tough. She had been the most insecure woman I've known, but when it came to assuring anyone she cared so much about, she always made sure to assure them to the best of her abilities. I loved her for that.

Lurid [ KENNY OMEGA] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now