Chapter 21: T Y S O N

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"You two actually came."

Rocky Romero's boisterous voice wasn't something I'd like to hear on a daily basis. Especially in NJPW's New Year's Eve party. I was still hesitant on being here in the first place. But seeing Victoria excited after being invited by Gedo and Okada, I couldn't say no, nor could I allow her to go all on her own.

I held onto her hand as we roamed around the room. Several of the NJPW wrestlers with their significant others had come to the party. My eyes was too focused on her to notice anyone else. The way her eyes brighten as she began conversation, in fluent Japanese, to several members of the roster.

But throughout the entire conversation that I prefer not to join in, she had her hands on me. If it wasn't holding on to my hand, she would wrap an arm around my waist. She was always touching me in a way she could. She had been rather touchy since Christmas, she had this look in her eyes every single time I'd had to leave for a moment. It was as if I was leaving for good. What I'd do to convince her otherwise.

The New Year Bash, as Rocky happily pointed out, had an open bar which Tama Tonga and Fale immediately occupied alongside Gedo and Toru Yano. Some of the higher-ups of the company had been also included in on the celebration. They were speaking amongst themselves, but had been open to other conversations with the wrestlers if approached. We were yet to actually formally introduce ourselves to them. Maybe after Okada and Will Ospreay finish with taking much of my girlfriend's time and attention.

"Have you talked to the higher ups?"

Will had asked turning his attention towards me now. I shook my head turning and immediately catching a glimpse of my past. All the air left my lungs at the sight of my former love and the former best friend I had. I had thrown them both away from the love I had right now. The love that I knew would stand the test of time.

"Mega Man,"

My eyes turned back towards her. She looked at me in worry. Head to toe she was beautiful. In a simple black bandage dress, she was showing off all the hard work she had done in preparation for her match in less than 72 hours from now. She wore her hair short, chopping almost all of it off in preparation for her upcoming match. It suited her well, she looked so beautiful with it. Framed her face in all its adorable beauty. Fuck, I was acting so sappy right now and it wasn't even funny anymore.


"Want to talk to the boss?"

My gaze shifted towards the approaching pair. Kota Ibushi with his younger sister Mina. I felt her hand tighten around my own. And as I strayed my eyes away from my past I looked down at my future. Her eyes staring daggers at the two individuals coming ahead.

"One last time, let me talk to them. I want to say goodbye."

I leaned towards her. My lips meeting her forehead in a kiss assuring her I wouldn't walk away from her. I could never let anyone get in the way with being with her. It would always, and forever be her.


She pulled away and the mask was gone. The fear was in full display tonight. She just needed someone to assure her that the worse was over.

"I love you and only you."

I smiled watching as she walked away with Okada and Will helping her towards the boss. I watched from a distance as they started their conversation. The smile now on her face but it wasn't as big as it was moments when I was besides her. I turned my gaze back towards Mina and Kota.

Even with the feet separating the two of us, I could feel the tension. It was palpable and some of the other party goers had either took a step away or leaned closer in hopes of stopping any sort of brawl that was about to happen.

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