Chapter 18: V I C T O R I A

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It was the dinner before Christmas Eve but there was tension throughout the Dinner table. I sat in-between Meghan and Kate that felt the same distaste as I had; for the woman sitting across us. For whatever reason, my father and Camilla Bowles sat across us and everyone knew to keep quiet.

"I heard you're first match is on the 2nd, Francheska." Aunt Anne began hoping to break the tension.

"It is." I took a sip of my sparkling water. Alcohol aside from beer wasn't really something I enjoyed. "Then I would be competing on the 4th at the Tokyo Dome. I am expected to win a title, something no woman had ever done in NJPW's history."

Choruses of good luck had continued throughout the large table. Baba and Nana reminding me to be careful throughout it. I gave both Harry and Will a look, hoping they'd keep their mouths shut about my upcoming match. Harry and Will had been questioning me for competing against Minoru as much as Kenny has been and I wanted nothing more than to shut all of them up as soon as possible.

"Why isn't that Kenneth-boy with you?"

Camilla just had to go through that route. I narrowed my eyes, knowing she was simply fueling something against me then towards Meghan or Kate, but I'm not having any of it.

"He's with his family in Canada. He rarely sees them with how hectic our schedules were. But I think that shouldn't concern you," I begin wiping my lips with the napkin. "Isn't Laura going through her third divorce now? Sad she can't keep a husband for more than two years."

I noticed how my brothers as well as Kate and Meghan had tried so hard to hide their laughter especially seeing how red Camilla was turning. I smirked taking another sip of my drink, some of my relatives giving me a nod of thank you while Dad gave me a look of disapproval. Nana and Baba preferred not to get involved with all of it.

"My daughter's divorce is none of—"

"And my relationship with Tyson Smith is nothing you should be worried about. In fact, Meghan or Kate being a part of the family doesn't concern you. Nana and Baba approve of it, so it's a tad bit obsequious for you to pry."

"Francheska, enough."

I smirked at my father. He was slowly boiling. I could sense it. I couldn't understand what he saw in this woman. I do not see the reason why he would love her instead of my mother. I knew until the very end of the earth, I would never understand. I wasn't willing to understand anymore.

"I am simply having a conversation, Dad."

"This is not a conversation in at the dinner table."

"I wasn't the one that started it." I raised my hand in defense.

"Let it go, Charles. This is what happens when she continues interacting with people apart from the royals. She becomes as uncivilized as them."

My fist turned white in anger. Uncivilized?

I stood and with every intention of showing her just how much uncivilized I was.

"Do not call the people that treated me as their own as uncivilized. They did not whore themselves to be a part of the Royal family like you have done!"

"How dare you!"

"No! How dare you! You had destroyed a family. You destroyed three children's family and forced yourself into that family. You continue to bully those three children's chosen partners because of your jealousy. Your jealousy with how they were easily accepted than you could ever be. Between you and the friends that treated me as family, you are more uncivilized than any of them. You may become Princess Consort to my father when he ascends the throne, but people and this family will always have my mother in their thoughts and hearts. You are just the cheap replacement."

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