Chapter 23: V I C T O R I A

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"You ready?"

I took deep labored breaths as I looked at Marty sporting a brace on his injured leg. With him being the enthusiastic bloke that he was, miraculously sped up his healing to a minimum of four months instead of six. Once he was cleared, he was to compete against me as I decided along with Gedo and Suzuki-san that my fate wasn't with the Bullet Club, but it was surprise I didn't even told Marty about.

"No, but what am I to do?"

Every single individual part of this match was already waiting in the ring. Everyone had been finally given the news about Marty unable to compete. But the information about who would exactly would replace him was still open in the air. Marty knew about it since he was responsible for me being placed in this predicament—Kenny knew just because I told him I was.

"I know Kenny might be busy, but do you want me to call him?"

I tensed. I haven't told Marty about what had happened. We had been so caught up with my match against Minoru and my impending match tonight had kept us busy to even talk about the man.

"Wait—have you told him the truth yet?"

"Marty this isn't the right time."

"Have you told him the truth? It's just a yes or no answer, Muffin."

I fell silent. I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to ruin the makeup. The post-apocalyptic makeup took so long to do and I don't want to have to do it all over again with me coming out in a just a few moments now.

"I did, ok. Let's leave it at that."

"Muffin, what happened?"

I fell silent all over again.

"What did that wanker do, Muffin?"

"I said let's leave it alone, Marty!"

I never raised my voice at him, but he was just breathing down my neck on this. I felt him wrap me in a hug and I just broke down but refused to let even a single tear fall down. I refused to be weak in the greatest moment of my career.

"I'm so sorry, Muffin."

I shook my head. Maybe Marty was right all along. If it wasn't really meant to be, then it was meant to last after all. I sighed pulling Marty's horrible fur coat tighter around my body. It gave me warmth as strong as Marty's own arms around me.

"It is what it is."

I finally pulled away taking his mask from him. I wore it as we were set up for a quick promo before I was to step inside the ring against Hiromu Takahashi, Kushida, and Will Ospreay. The entire time, it was as if Marty was supporting me and not the other way around. I needed this, I needed him to be here for me and after my match, I'd finally let it all go without any hesitation.

The loud cheering of the crowd sounded as soon as Marty was on air. I stayed in the background, waiting for the fraction of a moment that I was to appear.

With just a simple gesture, Marty has hushed the entire Tokyo Dome. No one knew the power and charisma this man possessed. I was more than happy to wish his eventual return, would want nothing else than for that to happen actually if I could.

"I know. I know it is a disappointment to have me injured in the worst possible time in my career. I should have been a part of a history defining moment in Wrestle Kingdom 12. The first ever four-way match for the title. But, rest assured it will remained as such. In my absence, I had my proxy to take care of everything."

As soon as the camera panned on me, I stared at the camera with Marty's mask and coat on. I held onto Marty's umbrella as I made my way to the Gorilla position. I could hear Marty calling me wishing me good luck but I simply nodded as my focus was all directed on this moment. The moment I will break the very foundation of NJPW history.

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