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( B A C K   A G A I N S T   T H E   W A L L )
to be in a tough situation with limited options

( B A C K   A G A I N S T   T H E   W A L L )to be in a tough situation with limited options

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"I don't know where to start."

OCTOBER 3, 2017 || London, England

She was home—for once. Having sold her apartment in Orlando, her home now only consisted of the one she shared with her brother and her haven back in Tokyo. She had allowed the news of her Termination to die down, but it was far from what was happening.

People were genuinely picking sides from what happened. News broke out about Vince's misogynistic comments and if she was honest her grandmother was nothing short of disgusted by her former boss' degradation. But one thing was for sure throughout the whole ordeal, her name was cleared. She wasn't painted as a horrible person as many of the women had made everyone believe.

With three months to her own device, she decided to stay in her home or explore Japan. She may have refused to do much of her roles as part of the family, it didn't mean she was forbidden to not be part of some of the lavish aspects of her family has to offer. For once, being the freeloader didn't sound so bad.

"How long have you been here, Frankie?"

She turned from her bed and saw her brother Harry by the door. A small smile on the man's lips before he made his way towards her bed, laying besides her as they both returned to staring at the ceiling like they didn't have any responsibilities to their name.

"Just a few hours ago." She muttered. Her conversation with her grandmother meant she had to postpone several meeting just to see her. "Nana is in thought about never allowing WWE in the country ever again."

"I don't think that's the worst idea she had ever done."

She could only shake her head, she knew it was something her Nana was willing to do for her. After everything that had happened to her, her grandmother had always had her side. She had allowed her to break so many rules of the family but still be allowed to be a part of it.

Her grandmother, as many might not understand, was the only one that could fully understand what she's been going through since the death of her mother. Elizabeth was the one that became her mother upon the death of her own. Camilla never once trying to slip into such a role, even upon the insistence of her father. She wasn't Victoria's mother and refused to acknowledge her as anyone else but someone that destroyed her family.

"What do you plan to do for the next few months?"

"I don't know just yet." She muttered.

She knew where should could be for the three months, but what she was going to do was something that bothering her the most. The money wasn't her problem, but the fact that she was going to do nothing was what bothered her the most about her non-compete clause.

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