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A  B I T T E R  P I L L  T O  S W A L L O W )

something that is very unpleasant but must be accepted

something that is very unpleasant but must be accepted

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"You fucked up this time, Smith."

SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 || Orlando, Florida


With Cody Runnels catching Victoria having a heated argument with Mark Carrano on phone, the man had volunteered to join her in her apparent final words with Triple H. The last she had heard from Marty was he was busy in California for PWG with the rest of the Elite members.

She wasn't close to Cody even during his tenure in WWE. But she was a close friend of his wife, Brandi. Little did anyone know about their numerous talks behind the scene, away from everyone's ears. Victoria made Brandi feel at home and had a friend in the company, and Cody was more than happy to help in any way he knew how.

"The faster this happens. The better."

It's been nearly a month of her somewhat following Marty along in his journey all around Japan and the states. Many had been speculating about a relationship between them, with them always denying it. They were like siblings, nothing more and nothing less. Her life somewhat revolved around being part of the Bullet Club's shenanigans, especially during their episodes. Her lack of worry somewhat now coming over her as she awaits her final judgement. It just so happens that the very day she was called for was her own birthday.

"What did they say on the phone?"

"He wants to discuss my contract. Last I heard, I'm still employed with the company." She muttered.

In her growing frustration for the company, she wasn't terminated as she had once hoped. Instead, her contract was being frozen until she serves the rest of the number of weeks still placed under her name. For as long as she was part of the company, she was not even allowed to be seen in any programs that was in direct competition with WWE—but she did. It only showed how much she was done with WWE and every misogynistic and backstabbing world they operate in.

"But you want to stay?"

"God No." she snorted. She had known about Neville's apparent departure from the company alongside Austin Aries, if both men are able to be given such freedom to leave, she deserves the same courtesy. "And I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure I get free from my contract."

She didn't know to what extent, but she was willing to cross plenty of lines to achieve it.

"How did that turn out for Aries and Neville?" Cody snorted as they continued their walk towards the Performance Center.

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