Chapter 20: V I C T O R I A

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"You actually had a gift for all of us?"

I looked at Kenny with my brows raised. Why was it so hard to believe that I've already brought them gift I was supposed to give to Kenny when we meet up in January? I looked down at the four Christmas gifts I've placed under the Christmas tree. A smile playing on my face hoping they would like my gifts.

"Why is it so hard to believe?"

I stood back up and pulled down the rather itchy ugly Christmas sweater given to me by Hilary. It was adorable red sweater with the "Christmas' Angels" printed on it. I looked around the room and smiled at how such a small space could be so comforting in a way that my own family's, couldn't ever be.

"I didn't think you'd actually have the time to do that, for my family at least."

I rolled my eyes nudging him on the chest. His mother was busy in the kitchen with Vanessa preparing for tonight's Christmas Dinner while his father was assigned as the runner for last minute shopping needed. It left me and him to our own devices as no one wanted either of us to move a muscle.

"They welcomed me to their homes. They treated me like a daughter of their own. Your sister has grown a liking to me, so this is just a small gesture."

He chuckled and I've noticed how he look so different here in his own home. His hair tied back and he was clean shaven. It didn't hurt to see that he was wearing jeans and the Ugly Christmas sweater. He just looked so out of himself from when we were both in Japan. He looked just like his self, but much more than that. He was just so bare here and that's what scares me the most when I tell him about my other secret.

"You make all of us feel shitty now with our last minute gifts."

He scoffed and I couldn't help but giggle. It really didn't matter what they give me. Being allowed here on a last minute basis was more than enough for me.

"I'm already thankful whatever it is."


"Tyson Smith, relax."

I wrapped my arms around his waist. My arms barely able to wrap onto him entirely.

"I don't need anything else. I'm already happy here. I'm happy here besides you. And I am happier to have your family include me in their festivities."


"I'm actually thankful you didn't forget the Turkey like last year."

I bit my lips trying so hard to stop the laughter from escaping. Seeing Vanessa glaring daggers at her brother was the best highlight of this Christmas—besides the lack of store-bought Eggnog, everyone loved so much. Now at six in the evening the siblings are ranting it out on who was to blame for not remembering the eggnog. Their father was already on the search and his third text being reminded that he had no such luck.

"We can make one from scratch if you want?" I suggested.

All eyes were on me and I almost shrunk in embarrassment. I knew how to make one from Nana and the recipe Mum used to make for us during Christmas was already passed down to me. I've been making it every single year for the family, this year being the only exception.

"What ingredients do we need to buy?"

Kenny smiled as he handed me a pad of paper. Immediately I began scribbling everything needed to make one. Vanessa peaking over her brother's shoulders as I continued writing and instructing Kenny what brand would give a better result and he could barely comprehend any of it.

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