Chapter 17: V I C T O R I A

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"I missed you, Francheska."

I was wrapped tightly in the arms of my Nana. I couldn't help the tears from falling as I melted into her arms. She was the first person I've longed to see on my return home for the holiday. It was two weeks before Christmas but I wanted to make sure I was here, knowing I couldn't be for the New Year.

"I missed you too, Nana."

My senses were drowned in the smell of flowers, the faint saint of Nana's favorite tea, and for some reason French macaroons. The memory of Nana making different assortments of sweets every single time I get home was a good memory and seeing her do this now in her old age was still heart-warming to know.

"You've grown bulkier than the last time I've seen you."

I giggled as she actually patted me in every single part of my body, my ass included.

"You can bare a dozen great grandchildren for me before you turn thirty five."

"I'm not getting myself pregnant at thirty five."

I giggled turning around the interior of the Windsor Castle. Filled to the very brim with Christmas decorations and ornaments. My eyes drawing towards the portrait that hung by the fireplace. On the left, a painting of my brothers with our Dad, and on the other was a portrait of myself when I was sixteen, alongside my Nana and Baba.

At times like this, where I was practically demanded to come for Christmas, I was back to being what I was born to do. I was a Princess. The sixth in line to the British throne, the only daughter of the late Princess Diana and Prince Charles. The favored grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.

"Are you to stay here or stay in Kensington?"

I took a moment to think where I would be much safer to stay. As much as the Windsor Castle was heavily guarded, my freedom was not valued here. But if I stayed in Kensington, my privacy was in grave danger. It was a hard choice but I knew I needed to compromise.

"I'll be staying here with you and Baba for a week, then I'll stay in Kensington for the rest of the month."

I lied, I was still unsure where I would be for the entirety of the month. A part of me wants to stay in a hotel so I was closer to a gym and as far away from the family as possible. But I couldn't do that, not to Nana. I sighed once again hugging her.

"Speaking of Baba, where is he?"

At time when I would stop by back home, my grandfather would always be waiting for me. Cancelling whatever sports event he was a part of just to see me.

"He's with Anne. They're walking some of the Corgis."

At the mention of the dogs, I didn't hesitate excusing myself and making my way towards the open quarters. Slipping on my beanie, I made my way out and immediately caught sight of Baba and Aunt Anne, in deep discussion.


I didn't hesitate, wrapping my arms around both my Grandfather and Aunt Anne. The feeling of little feet toppling my legs made the Corgis' presence known as I rubbed the top of their heads for a moment before turning to my Baba and Aunt once again.

"My girlie!"

At the age of ninety six, he didn't look frail for anyone of his age. He seemed healthier than I've actually seen him for past few years. It was the great grandchildren he had been caring whenever Kate would bring the two little monsters to the palace, along with his passion to sports to keep him out of boredom.

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