Chapter 8: V I C T O R I A

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"I am not talking about last night, Martin."

My eyes still focused on the reps I still had. I ate like a Queen last night and now I will work it out like a warrior. My eyes never once turning towards my best friend as we continued working out. Kenny was somewhere in the Dojo in his own workout regime. The Bucks most likely pestering him as well.

"The kiss somehow says it all."

I halted in my work out. Placing the weight I lifted back down, I turned to him. Only then did I realize what it was all about. The smile was never on his lips, nor his eyes. I thought he was joking around, but in front of me was not the same playful Marty. In front of me was a serious one, giving me the same look my brothers would at any news of a man linked to my name in the worlds of Wrestling.


"I'm just worried about you." He patted me on top of my head. "Aside from my girl waiting for me back home, you're the most important girl in my life. I don't want anyone hurting you. Especially someone from my own team."

I smiled hugging him. This is the part about Marty I've loved the most. He was the brother I had away from my own. On of this days, I'll be proud to tell my two older brothers how this man had treated and cared for me like his own. But that was for another time, and at moments like this, it's better to just live in the moment.

"It's just a one-time thing. I don't even know what happens next." I point out after pulling away from him. "But he had been a real gentleman from the moment we got out to the moment he brought me back home."

"Like he should." He scoffed rolling his eyes at me.

I punched him lightly on the shoulder before my eyes returned to the weights. I was being reminded of the requirement given to me by NJPW if I wanted to be a part of their roster. I know it was an all men's world and I am lucky to the one of the first to be a part of it. But it scares me, not the people I am to compete with, but the fans. Would they accept me for breaking the very tradition they had had in their company for nearly decades?

"Now help me, I need to gain 70 pounds more before I'm even cleared to sign a contract here in Japan." I point out taking a step back from him.

The amount of workout I needed for the next three months somehow scares me.

"Se-Seventy pounds?"

"7-O." I nodded. "I need to at least be the same wait as Hiromu." I smiled having met the man.

"No wonder you've been downing your fourth protein shake." He scrunched his nose, pointing at my drink resting so close to me.

"Liquid absorbs faster." I pointed out with a smile on my lips.

"What are you a nutritionist?" he joked.

"Barely." I scoffed turning my attention to the other side of the Dojo.

I couldn't help letting out a giggle at the sight of Kenny wrapped in a sleeper's hold by Nick. God, I have never realized how much of a child this three could be until now. More so when Marty is placed in the mix.

"You're going to genuinely kill him." I called out. "He's already going blue."

Immediately Nick gets down and noticed I lied. As soon as I saw the glared coming my way, I made a sprint. I didn't care that I could potentially harm myself in the process. I do not want to join in on their antics. I made a run, for once not caring for the fact that I was just in my yoga pants and sports bra all around the Dojo.

Thank Heavens I've rented the whole place to ourselves.

And I felt it, someone's arms wrapped around me. I squealed attempting to elbow Nick or Matt but grinned even bigger at the sight of Kenny already attempting to evade my elbow.

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