Chapter 12: V I C T O R I A

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"Kenny you look ridiculous!"

It was Halloween, but that doesn't mean the sight of Marty in an Aladdin costume, Chase Owens in the Genie costume or Kenny Omega in a Jasmine costume would be excusable. Especially as I try to place the fake eye lashes on him as well as the makeup.

Marty was busy taping the top onto the other half of Kenny's body as it was too small for him. They were the Bullet Club, well respected, well feared, and they were doing a comedy act for the Halloween Special of tonight's show for the Road to POWER STRUGGLE. Times like this makes me question Gedo's legitimacy in booking if he was allowing this for the Bullet Club.

"Keep in down, Muffin." Marty muttered as Chase Owens had begun helping him in taping Kenny to his costume.

"All I'm saying is that tape won't hold off."

"Got any better ideas besides this then?"

I took a moment, I could have sewn it, but with their match coming within the next ten minutes; I wouldn't have enough time. I turned for any possible solutions as the light blue of the top did not match well with the white tape at all.

"Well, I for one am not getting into the audience for this." I pointed out already wishing to be never a part of this monstrosity.

"What about my kiss?" Kenny questioned eyes lifting to me. I pinched his ears as I've been telling him not to move.

"You can kiss Marty if you want."

I tried so hard to keep a straight face especially after Kenny slapped me in the ass for the remark. I kissed him one last time before adding the finishing touches to his makeup for tonight's show. I fixed his black wig before taking a good look at him one last time. The beard was another thing putting everything off in his costume.

"You're good to go." I patted him on the chest as he stood.

He wrapped his arms around me but I tried so hard to pull away giggling at the how ridiculous all of them were. But all of a sudden, I was constricted in the embrace of not only my boyfriend, but as well as Chase and Marty.

"Come to the ring." Marty begged but I tried to pull myself away from all three of them. "I know you want to."

"I can't actually." I pointed out with a sheepish smile finally pulling away from all of them. "My Nana is calling me in a couple of minutes and I can't miss it."

I shared a look with Kenny, he knew how much family means to me. Even when he barely even knows who or what my family was. He understood me enough to know that this was always my top priority above everything else. Including wrestling.

"Fine." he gave in. He kissed me on top of my head once again before they were called to get ready for their match.

"I'll make up for it later tonight, I promise."

That got his attention as he looked at me. The smile different and it felt right through my core. I had to squeeze my legs together before taking my attention towards the Telly mounted onto the wall. I tried so hard to ignore the feeling I was suddenly having for Kenny. That man and his desire.

"I'll be holding on to that, Princess."

With his parting words, I wished all of them good luck before they headed out for their own matches. And right on cue my phone rings and the smile in my lips couldn't leave.

"Hi Nana."

'Francheska, you don't call enough to me or your father. '

"I've been busy, Nana. You know how it is."

Lurid [ KENNY OMEGA] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now