Chapter 19: T Y S O N

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My ears was still ringing. It was 1 am but I was still fully awake. Awake from not just the coffee I've consumed but the voice of Victoria telling me she loves me. Her voice continues to haunt my head up to this point. Was it true? Or was I just hearing things?

Alright. I love you.

It's been nearly hours since I've last talked to her. The last one being a text for me to fetch her from the airport. It was now just a waiting game.

I closed my eyes and just hoped for the best. Everything was finally falling into place. I pulled my backpack tighter onto me. It was evident how nervous I was. I was glad no one was looking at me weirdly as I fumbled with the tank top and track pants I had on. It was freezing cold but I just needed something to keep me awake.

In the midst of chaos of the midnight rush, I saw her. Immaculate in a white short sleeved mini dress and black thigh high boots. A grin playing on her wandering eyes as she come into contact with me. I couldn't help it as I made a dash towards her and her dropping everything she held onto as she hugged me, legs wrapping around me in a vice grip.

"I missed you."

I sighed nodding in agreement, as I placed her back down. I really did miss her. I feel so different without her by my side, I wanted to protect her. Her emotions were easily hidden on her innocent face. But her pain was evident in the crease of her lovely brow and the down-curve of her full lips. But her eyes, her eyes showed her soul encase in a mask to protect herself from whatever monster would have come for her. They were a deep pool of restless gold, an ocean of hopeless grief. As I looked into her eyes I knew, all the beauty of the universe could not even hope to compete with this simple thing: passion. Passion turned her eyes into orbs of the brightest fire, and in them, I read clearly that she would fight to the very last tear for her life. She would not let the world break her. Sure, she could cry, but she would never let them take her true self from her. She clung to it with passion. Passion that made her beautiful.

"I missed you so much."

I trace her lip lightly with the tip of my finger. It pouts slightly, and I have such an urge to bite it, to kiss it, to wrap us up in a quilt and listen to our gentle breathing, watching the cotton ripple like skipping stones and sharing crooked smiles.

"Say it, Princess."

I begged. I just needed some sort of confirmation that I wasn't just fighting a losing war. I accept her in every secret of her life. I loved her for all the secrets she was still trying so hard to keep. I loved her for no apparent reason just because I do. I don't want to question it more than anything else in this world.

I'm in love with her.

She never leaves my mind, she's always there; mentally if not physically. It's just incomprehensible. She's my one stable force, my one stability in a world filled with ambition and I so desperately need that in my life. I love her so much for that. I'm in love with her and I can't believe I'm so scared of being rejected for this love I felt.

This feeling is so strange; it stretches throughout my whole body. It's overwhelming, yet makes me feel complete. It has no bound nor length nor depth; it's just absolute. It feels as though I'm in a dangerous fire, yet I'm completely safe at the same time. It feels as though someone's given me peace. It feels as though my heart is dancing around my chest; and a hole, I was never aware was there, has been filled. I feel so light, like I'm on top of the world yet my heart is constricting and it feels as if there's no oxygen in my lungs.

It's strange – frightening even – how you can go from someone being two disdaining individuals, to then being completely infatuated by them and wondering how it ever was that you were able to live without them, because you sure as hell couldn't imagine being without them now. I know it was the right time, and most people would consider me to be foolish and naïve if I let her go, but it's true when I say that I love her more than I could ever love myself and one day, I will make an honest woman out of her. She became my best friend and, as cheesy as it sounds, she's my anchor. My one stability in this world filled with chaos.

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