Chapter 1: First Day of a Last Year

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~ Amelia's POV ~

I'm sitting in my car... my music is on and blasting through the car speakers loudly. I've been sitting in my car for the past fifteen minutes, and the traffic as moved barely. And I have to drive all the way to the other side of the school to get to the student parking. There are too many cars in the morning... I should have probably left sooner. I looked at the clock in my car, it's 7:20am, first period starts at 7:45am. I have twenty more minutes to get my car all the way to the other side, park it and head to my first class.

Too many cars on a first day of school... this is completely normal, I just happened to leave ten minutes later than my usual time on a first week of school type of thing. New coming in freshmen and their parents, who all want to go early to check out the school and make sure they are on time. It sucks with all the stupid traffic every day of this first week, it can even go up to a month of being like this since everyone wants to go early to be motivated in starting a new year of school.

Finally starting to moved, I managed to arrive all the way to the other side and parking my car. Glancing at the time to see it's 7:38am. I sighed and thanked the lord that I arrived at a decent time before the five-minute warning bell rang. I unplugged my phone from the USB in my car. Inserting earbuds before I took my bag, locked my car and began walking to the doors. I grabbed out my schedule to see what my first class would be. Entering the double doors of the main entrance everyone is scrunched inside. I walked ahead down to the English hall, I looked at the name, not recognizing it unlike all the other teachers that I have. I knew this school pretty well, and I knew most of the teachers here, but Ms. Bryant doesn't sound recognizable at all.

I arrived when the five-minute bell rang. I saw the door open and was blown away by this teacher. She was holding a clipboard and I noticed her smiling at me.

"Hi, I'm Ms. Bryant. Is this your first period?" She asked me.

"Y-yes." I stuttered.

"Great, I'll be looking forward to working with you." She smiled. "What's your name?"

"Amelia Davis." I said and she held out her hand for me to shake.

She looked at her clipboard and checked off my name. "You may go in, sit anywhere you would like." She said and I nodded.

I walked into the small classroom and took in the view of the place. I walked to a desk at the front, probably taking the one closest to Ms. Bryant's desk. I didn't care where I sat, I just like the front so I don't have to be annoyed of anyone who turns around and starts talking to me or their friends... blocking my view.

Placing my bag down, looking at my schedule, I have AP English Language and Composition, AP Chemistry, Chemistry Lab, AP Government, AP Art, PE and AP Calculus BC. Having a full schedule senior year was my choice, I could have two off campuses, but I decided not to. Anyway, I began noticing the class starting to come in as well. I sat there just looking at the woman standing at the door, with that huge smile and grin, greeting her students as they checked in with her.

The bell rang and she closed the door. "Good morning, and welcome to AP English Language and Composition, I will be your teacher, Ms. Bryant." She said. She began passing out the syllabi and continued her greeting. "Since this is an Advance Placement class, I expect great work from everyone here, now what I am handing out is your syllabus, please read and understand it carefully in my line of work. I will let everyone read it and then I'll go over the system." She said and then went to her desk to sit. "Oh, and remember that whatever seat you are sitting in right now will be your seat for the first half of the first semester."

Sitting in my seat and reading through her two-page paper syllabus. I sighed, looking at the section of classwork and homework, each worth ten percent of the grade, the quizzes are worth thirty percent and tests are worth fifty percent. The final, of course is worth twenty percent of the grade. Her policy in late work is at a fifty percent earning, maximum. Participation is in the classwork category... wow this teacher has broken all these deals down. She also has an essay section on the syllabus, it goes in the quiz category. Wow this is going to be an interesting year. I finally finished reading the syllabus and looked up at her. She was highlighting some sections that she'll probably point out. I hadn't realized how long I've been staring at this beauty before she looked up and met my eyes. She smiled sweetly before standing up and walking over to where her chalkboard is and began writing down the grading scale of where everything will fall in, depending on the category.

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