Chapter 5: A Rough Week

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~ Claire's POV ~

This week has been long, I seriously can't take anymore thinking when I'm alone, during lunch and after school. Sure, I have grading and entering, which I still do but there's another activity called thinking that's constantly bothering me. The bell just dismissed my fourth period class and it was lunch. I went to the mini fridge right next to my desk and pulled out my salad and water. Nothing like a healthy lunch while I work. All my classes have been going well, and it is finally Friday. I can't wait to get home, to sit, and think some more. Isn't that fun? I just sat here eating and thinking back to the beginning of this week that had gotten me tripped up about everything.

<>Flashback To Monday<>

My week began great as I was running late Monday morning, since my alarm didn't want to wake me up at six. I woke at 7:30am to a call from Juliette, "Morning, I had fun last night at the movies. Although, since its Monday, I wanted to give you a morning call. Hoping and making sure you didnt over sleep." She spoke.

"Crap... I'm late. Thank you for the wake-up call, if it wasn't for you, I'd be sleeping through my first class."

"Yeah, of course." She said.

I exited the house at 7:45am, which is basically when first period starts. The more I rushed, the more it holds me back to get somewhere close to eight at least, it always happens. I called Mr. Smith, an English teacher whose room was right next door to mine, he had prep first period and I asked if he could cover at last the first fifteen minutes for me, saying that I was running late. I had a warm up on the top of my desk to pass them out to students, giving them the first ten minutes before going over it. He said he would love to, that it's no problem. I took a breath and got in the car, I drove there cautiously trying my best to keep my patients on the road and not rush, wouldn't want to cause anymore problems. I came to the school at 7:55am. Only ten minutes late. I sighed and got out of my car. I sped walked to the front entrance, as quick as my heels could take me. I felt like I forgot something... Keys, case, purse, apple... what am I missing? I repeated everything I took, over and over... Then realized that I forgot my thermos. Plastering a smile on my face, I'll wake up somehow. Walking up the steps and there was someone sitting on the bench waiting for... me?

"Juliette?" I questioned.

"Hi, you said you were running late, so I decided to bring you a cup of coffee."

"My goodness... You are a life saver. Thank you." I said and took a sip. Moaning at the deliciousness, the favor... and I heard her laugh and smirked at me.

"You're welcome. Anyway, I have to go, I have work in thirty minutes." She said and kissed me, "Bye honey, have a nice day."

"I will, and you too sweetie." I smiled and walked into the main hall. Yeah, we've been dating for two weeks now.

I walked into the class and Mr. Smith was leaning against my desk watching the students complete their warm up. "Morning Ms. Bryant." He greeted with a sincere smile.

"Morning Mr. Smith, thank you so much for covering." I said.

"No problem, anytime you need a cover for first period." He smiled and said goodbye to the class.

"Okay, sorry I was running late, but lets get started..." I spoke and let out an exhausted breath, plastering my smile back on my face.

Then after four periods have passed and it was lunch, I'm sitting at my desk... Thinking. I normally don't think. I just read, grade, comment and enter. I swirled my finger around the cap of my coffee cup she had given me. We've been dating for two weeks I don't know how I feel to be honest. I thought back to all our dates from day one till now. We've gone out on Wednesdays and Fridays. It's fun, not going to lie about that, but There's something about each one that progresses closer to today, making me wonder. What happened every date that doesn't make them as memorable as the first? I thought back to the last date, which was yesterday, we went to see a movie, a comedy and I was definitely least expecting all of it...

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